What to Wear

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"What should I wear?" Rhett asks at dinner that night. I look up from my bowl of soup and shrug, "Where are you guys going?"

He grinned, "He said he wanted to take me somewhere special. I don't really know what that means."

I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach, "That's so cute."

Rhett laughed, "He was so nervous. I just couldn't believe he did it."

"Would you have if he hadn't?" I asked taking a bite of my soup.

He shrugged, "I'm not good at that kind of thing."

I smiled, shaking his comment off, "Well, I'm glad he asked. I think you should wear something in between dressy and casual."

"Like, dark jeans, a button down and some sneakers?"

I shug, "Maybe. I don't think he'll take you anywhere that fancy, you know?"

He nodded, "Okay. Oh, by the way, you got a letter today. From Melanie I suppose."

He reached over the counter and grabbed an envelope. He slid it to me slowly, hesitant.

I think Rhett had figured it out by now. I think he knew to expect something sad, to expect me to be crying not a moment after I read the letter. And no dad wanted that for their child. adopted or not. 

"Oh, thank you."

There was a moment of silence after Rhett had finished his food. My bowl was still halfway full.

"Why don't you go try out an outfit? I'll rate them," I said, playing with my food.

He smiled, nodding a little. Then he stood and went to his room.


By the third outfit, Rhett and I had found his perfect match. Dark skinnies, a burgundy button down, a black blazer, and a pair of brown Oxfords.

He looked great and I just knew Link would think so too. Hell. Link thought he looked good even while he was covered in oil and grease. 

I ended up telling Rhett about my study date with Desmond. He was calm about it and very open to it. He did say he would prefer that we stay out in the living room, or the kitchen. It wasn't that he didn't trust me, or anything, but he would be happy to be able to keep an eye out. Which I was okay with.

After we talked a little about school and my grades, he went to bed.  

I went to my room, anxiously waiting to read Melanie's letter.



Love you guys! 

Be your mythical best!

- Robin

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