we walked over to the food court and got some chinese food. we sat down and ate. riri had me dying at some of the stuff she was saying. when we were finished eating I got up to throw are trash away and I ran into some guy and all the trash fell on the floor. "oh my miss I am so sorry" he said as he bent down to help me pick up the trash "here let me help you with that" "its okay I got it' I said a little annoyed. we finally picked up all the trash."im so sorry uh uh.." "nicki" i said "well nicki let me take me and your friend for some ice cream?" and before I could even give answer riri said "yes we would love to!" I looked at er like she had lost her mind and pulled her to the side "excuse us for minute"

"Are you crazy? we don't know him!" she rolled her eyes at me "come on nicki he seems really nice and he's cute" she said as she smiled and waved back at him "but riri we already have boyfriends and..." she cut me off before I could finish my sentence. "look it's just some innocent fun and besides Chris and safaree don't have to know" I took a deep breath "okay fine" we walked back over to him. Riri gave him a flirtatious smile "We would love to have ice cream with you uh uh..." "Ryan" he said smiling back at her.

We started to walk over to the ice cream place on the opposite side of the mall. The whole time we were laughing and telling jokes. he was so funny. We got to the ice cream place and got ice cream. we continued to eat the whole time we where there he had been flirting with me. "Bye Ryan" I said as me and riri were walking away "byes ladies" he said he said as he walked the other direction but then riri turned around and ran towards him "oh wait Ryan!" he stopped and look toward her. "there's a party at my house tonight would like to come?" "yeah sure" riri gave him her address and phone number and came running back to me "girl why would do that for!?" " cuz me and you both know that you were flirting with him" I rolled my eyes again "girl roll dem eyes one more time and there going to stuck in the back of your head" I laughed and we walked to the car.

We got to the house and safaree and Chris were sitting on the couch watching the football game. I went and sat on safaree's lap and I wrapped my arms around his neck. his attention switched from the game to me "hey babe how was the mall?" "it was fun" I said as I winked at riri "whats in the bags?" he said as he started to go thru them. I snatched them from him. "nothing! its a surprise" I said as I kissed his check "come on riri lets go get ready"

we went up stairs and riri made me take another shower. I put on my lil black dress and riri straighten my hair and she also did my make up . when were done we looked in the mirror "damn we look like some hot mamas" I said as She laughed "hell yeah we do" she took a picture and put it on instagram

I walked downstairs and safaree was waiting for me "took you long enough" he said looking down at his phone so couldnt see what I was wearing "what do you think?" he looked up and his mouth dropped "oh my .....you look so sexy" I giggled "thank you bae come on lets go"

we walked in the party and riri's house was full of people it was like a scene from a movie. I was kind of scared. I sat on one of the couches while safree went and got me a drink to loosen up. "here drink this" he handed me a plastic cup full of some red drink. I dont what it was but it was strong as hell.

The music started playing and I pulled safaree over to dance with me. the drink that safaree gave me made me sort of tipsy so I did something he didn't expect. I turned around and started grinding on him. he grabbed my hips and went along with my body. then riri came and started dancing with us. I grabbed her hips and pulled her close to me. she was drunk so she didn't care. after about three songs or riri went to go dance with some other girls and safaree said he was tired so he went to go sit down but I wad having too much fun to go sit down. so I danced by myself

I was dancing by myself when someone came up behind me I thought it was safaree so I kept on dancing until I saw it was ryan. I stopped dancing and looked at him "why did you stop?" he said laughing "cuz you scared me" "oh im sorry.. How are you beautiful?" "im good " I could tell he couldnt hear me over the music "do you wanna go somewhere else and talk?" I nodded my head yes and followed him upstairs so what seemed like riri's room.

I walked in and he closed the door behind us. He pushed me against the wall and started to kiss my neck "woah what the fuck!" I said as I pushed him off of me "I thought we were just going to talk" he smirked "we can talk afterwards" he said as he came close to me. I kicked him in the shin and walked back downstairs. I was ready to go so I looked around for safaree but I couldn't find him any where. I finally found riri "have you seen safaree? I cant find him anywhere!" " he uh uh he left" I looked at her in disbelief "what? why would he leave without me" she looked down and said nothing "riri! tell me" she looked up at me "he saw you go up stairs with ryan he thinks you slept with him" I walk towards the door mad as hell. why the hell would I sleep with ryan? safaree knows that im not ready for sex and besides I love safaree I would never hurt him.

I was just about to leave when riri grabbed my arm "where are you going?" "im leaving! im sorry but I'm not in the mood to party right now". I walked out the door without giving her a chance to stop me. safaree didnt live to far away so I decided to walk. I had walked about two blocks and my feet were killing me so I took off my shoes. I sat down on the side walk to take them off when this brown van pulled up next to me I didint pay it much attention until two guys with ski masks on got out. I tried to run but one grabbed my arms I tried to kick him but the other one grabbed me legs. "come on lets go" one of them said the voice sounded very familiar but I couldn't figure out the voice. they threw me in the back of the van as I started screaming my ass off. I continued to scream as they drove off then something hit me in the back of my head and I knocked out.

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