Good Enough

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Enzo is one of your best friends. Well, Cass and Carmella are your best friends. Enzo is the man you're madly, utterly in love with. You just couldn't help it... He's always so bubbly, so gentle... Always trying to make you laugh, doing everything to make you smile when you're down, that type of small thing. But, as your mom used to say, "small things are what fill your heart". And damn, was she right... Moms know best.

Enzo won a piece of your heart every day, without even noticing it, and that... that was what hurt you. He only saw you as a friend, his best friend. Nothing more, nothing less. Just a friend. Plus, you're pretty sure he's got the hots for Alexa. And who'd blame him, right? She's stunning, absolutely gorgeous and she's a nice girl, what's there not to like?

Anyway, Mel, as you call Carmella, called you out on liking Enzo more than as just a friend and you just couldn't lie to her face. Even if you tried to lie, she'd catch you right on it, the girl knows you as the back of her hand.

Enzo feels emotionally drained right now. He's in love with you for... ages, honestly, he doesn't even know when he fell in love with you. He just did. But he's just not sure about it. He doesn't think he's enough for you, nor does he think you like him that way. You're his complete opposite, you're shy, innocent and calm, and you keep him down-to-earth. You make him slow down and notice what's going on around him. And he likes that. Oh, how he likes that.

You were walking down the street along with Enzo, Cass and Mel. Enzo took your hand in his, almost unnoticed, but Mel saw it, and so did Cass, and that's when she decided to comment about you needing to flirt. You mentally made a note to personally be angry at her later.

"Girl, you need some love! Flirting, finding a man..." She trails off, smirking as she clings onto her boyfriend's side. "Maybe you'll find one tonight!" She continues, teasingly, as she and Cass share a knowing look you didn't quite get. "Don't you think, Zo?"

Now, you're really not liking where this is headed, this was supposed to be a night of fun and it's turning into a night of possible, very possible, heartbreak.

"Uh, I- Yeah. She totally deserves a man who loves her. And flirts with her. And- Yeah." He rambles, sounding very weird, even for himself.

"It's hard to get anyone to flirt with me when you're literally holding my hand all the time." You trail off, not managing to stop yourself. You didn't mean to sound annoyed or upset, but regarding how his face fell, you knew you'd screwed up. Cass and Mel are now staring at you both, watching the scene unfold, with an anxious look on their faces.

"Oh. I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to- I mean, I won't do it again." He stutters slowly, as if trying to gather his thoughts. Letting go of your hand right away, he starts walking ahead of the three of you towards the bar.

You totally feel like crying now. Mel motions Cass to catch up with Enzo as she stays with you.

"I'm a fuck up. I'm such a fuck up." You mumble, trying to swallow back tears. "At least now I know for sure that he doesn't like me."

"Oh (y/n), I'm sorry. I'm sure he didn't mean it that way." She soothes you, pulling you into a hug.

"Let's go, I need a drink. A really strong one." You sigh deeply, clinging onto Mel's side.

When you walk inside the bar, you immediately spot Enzo with Cass, sitting in a private table in the corner. You sigh again, and Mel tugs on your shoulder softly, as you walk towards them. Finally, you reach them and sit next to them. Moreover, of course, you had to seat next to Enzo, and Mel sat next to Cass, in front of you.

You ordered your drinks, the waiter brought them, and the tension in the table is still thick, and tense. Until Mel broke the silence.

"Hey (y/n), check that dude out, behind you at 7 o'clock, because he sure is checking you out." She smirks, taking a sip of her drink. You turn to look, trying to be unnoticed, and you feel Enzo shift uncomfortably in his seat.

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