Chapter 3

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Srini woke up to find herself tugged in bed. She stretched her hands up, relieving the pain on her back bones and rubbed her eyes. She reached for her phone and surprised to see that it was already half past seven. It was almost time for the party.
She made her way to the bathroom. She stood in front of the mirror, discovering the new scar on her shoulder.

She slowly rubbed it, unable to stand the pain. Her hands traveled to her neck , where a huge purple plum has formed.

"How and when did this come from?" She mumbled to herself,rubbing the purple plum.

She removed her clothes and stood back near the mirror. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to recall what happened. The last thing that she remembered, she was talking to Sanchitha about her love. Otherwise, she can't remember getting hurt or stuff. Did Sanchitha slapped her? Did they both have a fight between them? Many thoughts ran in her mind.

She slowly opened her eyes. She saw a pair of red eyes replaced her sparkling brown eyes in the mirror. She let out a gasp, slowly reaching for the mirror. The red eyes where still there. They where getting bigger and bigger. In a blink of a second, the red eyes went missing. Her eyes where back to normal, sparkling brown eyes. She closed her eyes, moving her head side to side, knocking some sense into her.

"I must be dreaming. " She said to herself and rushed to the bathroom.

Srini descended the grand stairs, to the beautiful garden on the north west. She was wearing a light blue strapless evening dress and her hair curled down, letting it on her shoulder, to cover up her scar and purple plum. She spotted Sanchitha in a long sleeved yellow anarkali that only covered her skin from her chest with pink border at the bottom of the anarkali and a pink net scarf to cover her exposed shoulders. She waved and walked towards her, crashing her best friend in a huggie.

'Finally! You made it! Thought you were gonna sleep through the night.' Sanchitha said, sarcastically and giggling. Srini slightly tapped sanchitha's shoulder, breaking the hug. Sanchitha scanned Srini from top to bottom. 'Wow,babe! You look awesome,girl!' She complimented.

'Thanks, bujji!' Srini said, poking sanchitha's waist.

'No need mention it, bubby' Sanchitha winked at her. They were having lame conversations until Jeeva took the microphone and made an announcement.

'Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen. Can i have your attention please?' Jeeva said. Just then, a long and loud shrieking sound came from the speaker, making everyone to bend down,covering their ears. Jeeva sent a death glare to Daniel, who is in charge of the PA System. 'Sorry, machan,'Daniel said.

'Ohoho! Prince charming is getting all romantic tonight' Srini teased Sanchitha.

Jeeva continued his speech. 'As y'all know, im engaged to the most beautiful girl I've ever met in my whole life and will be married in a few weeks. Ummmm, i know this is too late, but I've honestly took a long time to..... to write a poem for my dear baby, Sanchitha.' he said, and the women went 'aw' and the men laughing. He clears his throat.

If I need to choose,
Red or blue,
I'd choose blue,
If I need to choose,
Slippers or shoe,
I'd choose shoe,
If I'd need to choose,
Me or you,
I'd choose YOU!

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