chapter 2

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"Akka! Faster akka. Hrishi anna and everyone is waiting for you downstairs! Hurry up akka!" Srini's younger sister, Srineethi yelled as she came entering Srini's room.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming" Srini calmed her down.

She took her luggages and descend the stairs to the hall where everyone is sitting.

"Hey, sorry I'm late!" Srini apologised.

She parked her bag at a side.

Hrishi put down his glass on the table. "It's okay, it's been just 15 minutes since we came" he said.

"So, let's go?" Sanchitha said.

"How many acre is this?" Daniel asked, carelessly.

"I'm sorry?" Srini asked, not confirm of what she heard.

Daniel felt a slight pinch on his thigh from Jeeva and immediately got the message. "I mean, how many floors is this house?" He covered.

"Oh, five floors including basement and terrace." Srini said.

"Whaaaat???????" Arjun almost choked at his drink.

"Oh come on! Her dad is an engineer and her uncle is a famous architect in US! Of course they are rich!!! And they have a few companies outside of Malaysia. They are hell rich!!!" Sanchitha exclaimed. Well, Sanchitha is quite a cheerful type.

"So..... Let's go. It's getting late. "Arjun said a while later and they all nod. They were gonna go out when Srini's twin younger sisters, Srineethi and Sadhana stopped them. "Wait, before you guys go, we just wanna take a selfie with Hrishi anna. He's looking quite hot" Srineethi said, making Hrishi blush but covered it with a chuckle and others go aw except for Srini.

"Srineethi!" Srini said, anger and jealousy clear in her voice. "What? It's true akka! Hrishi anna is too cute" Sadhana supported, taking her phone out from her pocket and clicking a selfie with Hrishi, not bothering Srini's yell." Bye Anna. Bye akka! Bye y'all's " Srineethi said.

And so they went of to their vacation spot. It looked simply awesome. The house was enormous. It was a white building, with pink and red bushes along the drive-way. In the middle was a beautiful fountain with a statue of a boy and a girl looking at each other' s eyes dreamily. It was a beautiful lovers house where couples usually come to spend time all alone.

"Wowwww!!!!!!!!" Arjun's jaw dropped as soon as they entered the mansion.

"It's so big! The owner must be damn rich" Jeeva said, as he joined them in the hall after exploring the ground floor of the house, with Sanchitha of course.

Everyone settled in their rooms. Everyone got their own rooms except for Sanchitha and Jeeva who decided to share as they ran out of rooms. Besides, they are a couple and happily engaged. Its not wrong for them to share right?

Srini laid on her bed, after a while unpacking her bag. She tossed and tossed, trying to find a comfortable spot but her thoughts were only on Jeeva. She had admired him since she was just 10. She had always tried to confess to Jeeva but she was too shy. Jeeva had always been there for her. Jeeva also once saved her life when she accidently fell into a river when they were 8. Even when her mother died, he was the one to comfort her more than her dad. He had always been there for her. Srini could have told Sanchitha about love towards Jeeva, but she was too late. Sanchitha had already confess to Jeeva. She knew Sanchitha would back out if she told her, but Sanchitha seem to be really in love with hi. And she perfectly know that if she told her, it would ruin their friendship.

A knock on the door distracted her.

"Come in" Srini said, weakly.

Sanchitha entered the room. Her eyes furrowed, looking at her best friend. "Srini? Are you okay?" She took a seat next to Srini.

"Yeah I'm fine" Srini said, sitting up.

Sanchitha put her hand on Srini's cheek. " Hey, I know you, di. You're never the silent type. And you don't lie down during day time unless you're sad. I know someting is bothering you. Tell me" Sanchitha said, from the bottom of her heart.

Srini looked directly into  Sanchitha's eyes. They were full of concern, honesty and the urge to help her out. She didn't want to ruin the situation. She took a deep breath before telling the truth.

"I-I actually l-like a g-guy" She stammered. She immediately lowered her gaze, unable to meet her eyes. A wave of guilt rushed into her.

Sanchitha's  jaw wide open, shocked to what she'd heard. Srini was never the 'lovey-dovey' type. She's the jolly,friendly, yet nerdy type. Srini was the 'concentrate on your studies first' typr. and there she was, being all 'lovey-dovey'. She can't believe that srini was finally in love. "What? Really? Who?" She asked, excited.

"Yes. Really. Secret" Srini tried to catch up with her load of  questions.

Sanchitha chuckled.

"Oh come on Srini! Who's that lucky guy? I wana know!!!!" Sanchitha pouted.

'I won't tell" Srini was still stubborn.

"Pwease baby ma! Me wanna know" Sanchitha pouted.

"Hrishi....." Srini lied............


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Srini's so dead! She lied that she loved Hrishi. Do you think Sanchitha might know she's lying? Tap to comment and don't forget to vote. Thanks everyone!!!!! :)

Nair Ville (DMV 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें