When life flashes before your very eyes

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Olivia ran in to the precinct it was extremely clam and organised for a missing kid. There's a tip line setup, and everyone is working leads. Amanda, Carisi and Fin are going over something when Olivia walks up to them.

Olivia --- " so what have we got "

Amanda --- Jason Todd 8 years old went missing 3 hours ago, he didn't come home from his friend house on next street over. He was playing at his firends house for the after noon. When he didn't come home for dinner the mom called the friends and then panicked and called us."

Carisi --- " We found a camera near the end of the street, Techs are going through it now."

Fin --- " I got an I eye witness who was taking out the trash when he saw a guy loading the kid in to the van. And got the plates, New York H5D Z2ER"

Amanda --- " we put out an amber alert and a blowlo for the van"

Olivia just took all the information in. She puts a hand on her waist when Amanda notices the ring on her finger Fin then sees it's as well. Olivia soon realizes what everyone is looking at Amanda breaks in the silence " did he propose " Olivia smiles like a high schooler getting asked to prom. " why yes he did this morning " she says Fin hugs Olivia, out of the original team it's just him and her left so they stick together.

Everyone one in the squad crowds around Olivia. Looking at the ring Amanda hugs Olivia " I am so happy for you " thanks. " As they all spilt off Olivia goes in to her office when she sees a man and a woman walk in to the squad. The women yells I need to speak with who ever in charge. Olivia walks out in to the squad room, " I am Lieutenant benson let's talk in my office"  Olivia leads them in to her office. " I am Suzanne Todd and this is my boyfriend Eric. And I think it was my ex husband who took Jason. " Olivia writes down what she said.  Olivia then asks " why do you think it was your ex-husband and why didn't you mention this earlier?"  She looks at her boyfriend then back at Olivia. " well my ex he had some mental health issues and he was at a facility then I got a call little awhile go saying that he checked himself out. He hadn't see Jason since Jason was 5 but then I got a call from him saying that Jason ok "

Suzanne was hysterical now,Olivia looked at her note book then back up the at the parents " what's his name " Olivia asked she answered " Andy Paulson " " why don't you stay here and we will find your son." Olivia walked out of her office. Carisi, fin and Amanda walk up to Olivia " think I got something, carisi  I need to you run a Andy Paulson for me," when carisi gets the information, he runs in to the squad room.

" Lieutenant I got something, Andy Paulson rented out an old warehouse yesterday by the docks." Carisi yells Olivia looks at everyone " let's go, fin call swat and get us some back up, Amanda get us a warrant for that building " Olivia and the squad head out to the building.

Once at the building, it's an old building that looks like it's about to fall at any moment. swat meets the squad at front entrance. They were going to try to talk Andy down but then they heard a scream from what sounds like a child. Olivia look at the swat Sargent Parker. He nods say that there going in,they kick open the door. The Sargent and his team are the lead, his team is four of them including the Sargent. Olivia and the squad follow in behind them. There two floors to the building Olivia's squad takes the top floor and the swat team takes the bottom floor.

Olivia and fin take the south and east side of the building, Carisi and Rollins  take north and west side of the building. Olivia and fin walk behind a few crates. Where an unstable Andy Paulson holding a gun on his sun pacing back and forth witch is not a good sign. There wasn't even a chance to talk Andy down. He looked at Olivia and fin he saw the NYPD written on there vest and just opened fire.

The fight was over with in seconds it ended with Olivia on the ground with a bullet in her side, she bleeding badly. Swat arrived seconds after the shooting. Fin radio for a bus. Olivia says to fin in a weak voice " the boy" Carisi and Amanda came running when they hear the shots.

Amanda gets the boy and the paramedics arrive and try to stabilize Olivia. Fin rides with to the hospital, in the ambulance. " I need a favour " fin looks at Olivia " anything you name it " Olivia takes a deep breath then says " if I don't make it tell tucker that I love him a day that I listed him as primary care giver to Noah " fin looks at Olivia " your going to be fine you hear me I don't need a another boss coming in and messing up my flow " Olivia laughs even though it hurts.

Olivia is rushed in to surgery. Fin calls tucker. The phone rings for a few minutes then he picks up "hey man you better get Lucy to watch little man and get down to the hospital now Olivia's been shot. " the phone is silent for a minute " ok thanks " tucker hangs up the phone. He looks at Noah who's playing with his toys on carpet. Tucker calls Lucy " hey Lucy I need to watch Noah it's an emergency Olivia's been shot " she answers " ok I will be there in 10 " Lucy arrives. Tucker runs to his car. The drive to the hospital is the longest drive of his life all tucker can think about was there future.

Olivia was being rushed in to surgery, she could see fin on the phone with someone she hoped was tucker. Olivia thought about the wedding, there future and life together. Olivia also thought about Noah, noah was the light in her life, one of Olivia's greatest fears was coming true but at the same time it wasn't. Her biggest fear was leaving Noah with no one but he would have tucker.

The next thing Olivia remembers is waking up with tucker asleep in a chair by her side where she needed him the most. When Olivia moved tucker woke up " you and me need to stay clear of hospital for awhile " Olivia laughs " let's get married now let's not wait till the fall" tucker smiles " ok "

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