"Spells have loopholes." I talked back.

"Gatáki, listen to me. I can't protect you here!"

'Protect me?' that was one of the least things I cared about right now.

"Not this one, just like Azalea's vampire spell doesn't have one so doesn't this one."

I wanted to ask who the dead person was that could save Azalea but I couldnt let her know that I was talking to her as well, sometimes anyway.

"No loophole?" I asked again.

"No only one thing can save her and he's long dead."

"Who is he?"

"Oh Avery, don't take me for stupid. I know that you're trying to get smart here."

"Leave right now."

"Where is Valiria."

"Damn it, I can tell you that."

'But you haven't.' I talked back to him.

"Valiria has not contacted us since we decided on a plan where we would kill the king and his heir."

Avery Jay Young, I command you to wake up."

My presence left the place where I was.<<

My eyes opened slowly, and my mind was circling around my dream. The witches that had talked to me were serving Valiria. I did not want to go there anymore, I was scared that they could do something to me if I came again. 

"They can do anything to you," he spoke to me.

'Why haven't they yet?", I asked him in my mind, apparently he was reading my thoughts always.

"Because I have tried to protect you till now."

'So you said you knew where Valiria is, so where is she?', I didn't want to waste any time.

"She is in her homeland."

'And that is where?'

"Hello," a real voice sounded in my ears and I turned my head to see Landis standing in the cell to my right.

I slowly lifted myself in a seated position, my bones aching thoroughly from the hardness of the floor and freezing temperature.

"My oh my, you look so cold that I almost am starting to freeze," he smiled.

 His words ticked me off and I stayed quiet.

'How dare he say that'

"Oh, did I offend you dear?".

'Crap he reads thoughts' I remembered

"Of course I do," his smile grew wider. "Now, Lathan told me about your dream which I in fact don't think it's a dream..." he came closer, squatted down before me and bent close, "I think it's an ability." he whispered.

My mind began spinning in overdrive.

'What? An ability?'

"I'm not a vampire."

"But you have been bitten to be one."

I didn't know what to say, I had no idea how the vampire things worked.

"But you're not changing." he stated. "It's disturbing that is."

I kept my mouth shut having nothing to say.

"Is it not disturbing for you?" He asked and my jaw nearly dropped.

"Of course it is," I nearly snapped but held myself back in the last moment and only spoke calmly.

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