Jake opens the car door open and I slide into the back.

Connor sits in the driver seat and Jake joins him in the passenger, I'm grateful for this, I assumed one of them would be in the back with me.

The car ride is quiet but not awkward, I sit by the edge glued to the window watching my surroundings. I'm hoping to see a landmark of some sort or even a street name.

But my hope is short lived, Connor seems to be purposely taking the forest paths instead of the main road. My heart breaks a little as I realise that they didn't trust me completely, it hurts more than it should've.

Eventually he pulls onto the main road but there's no streetlights so I can't see any signs. A few minutes later we pull into a street lined with shops.

"I hope you like Italian" Jake says as we park in front of a small quaint Italian shop

"I love Italian"

Connor opens my door and I hop out. Despite being outside I could already smell the authentic Italian food coming through the door. Hopefully this would be a great night.

The Alpha's hold my hand and together we walk into the restaurant, it was bustling with people some of them pack members others just humans.

Jake and Connor stroll past the "please wait to be seated sign", heading straight to the booth at the back like they owned the place.

I take a booth to myself while the boys sit directly in front of me, I realise that I'm not sure which is worst, making eye contact with them every time I look up or having them squished next to me.

The waiter soon arrives handing us our menu.

"Would you like some drinks" He asks us but he's looking at me directly

"No" Jake says, giving the waiter a death-like stare

"What about you beautiful" He says winking at me, he was obviously human no pack member would dare flirt me unless they had a death wish.

"She's fine" Connor growls

"I wasn't asking you"

I glance at my mates the murderous glint in their eyes told me that they were ready to shift and rip this guy to shreds.

"I'm okay thanks"

The waiter seems disappointed but he quickly leaves.

"I'm going to kill him" Jake threatens

"No your not" I say . "He's just a mundane boy"

"With a death wish" Connor mutters but I can still hear it

I reach over grabbing their hands

"I'm hear with you, your my soul mate not him. Please lets not let some human ruin our evening"

"Flicker's right, we should enjoy this evening" Connor says

I breathe a small sigh of relief thankful that's he's agreeing with me. Jake still has a murderous look on his face but once we got our food, I'm sure he would be fine.

I take a look at the menu and realise that its all in Italian, wow this restaurant was really authentic.

"Here let me translate"Connor says

I peer across the table as Connor explains what food is available.

A different waiter soon appears at our table and from his scent I can tell its a pack member. Jake must've mind-linked someone to serve us. We each order what we want and the table soon falls silent again.

My Twin MatesWhere stories live. Discover now