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Shelby POV

After we released our lips from each other, I looked down with sadness, and anger? I don't know how to describe this feeling, it was a mix of sadness, anger, and love, that part was from max. "Were are we going to have dates now max, or hang outs? That was our place!" I asked max, "we'll make it work  Shelby, I promise." I let those words set in my mind, I nodded slowly and walked to my room and flopped on my bed face first. I sighed and slowly fell asleep. My eyes shot open to feel smoke, well, not feel, I smelt it, I looked around and saw something burning, it was my dresser, I relished the house started fire, I got out of bed and crawled on the floor to get outside, I noticed when I was out, there was Ross, and Tim, but I didn't see max, (wow what a cliché!) I crawled inside not wanting to wait on the fire apartment to get here, and I went to Max's room seeing as it's night, I saw him still sleeping, I punched him awake, "what the heck Shelby!" He then looked around and saw fire, "wait, why is there fire?" I face palmed and tugged his arm and we ran out of the house. "Why is our house on fire?" Ross asked dumbly, I eye rolled, the fire fighters came and extinguish the fire, thankfully only the upper parts of the house were burned, even though, Ross', and the spare room were damage badly. I am thankful no one was injured. In the same day, Max and I's hot spring was destroyed, and the house was on fire. Wow. Worst day ever, but it will only get better hopefully. I didn't realize I was griping onto Max's arm until he told me "can you not hold me so strongly?" And chuckled a little. "S-sorry," I said letting go, I knew the reason I was holding on to him so hard was because I was scared of him being hurt in the fire. I sighed and asked him something, "hey, max? Are you okay?" "Ya, I'm happy you weren't Hurt." He replied

....hi... um sorry. I can't thing of ANYTHING TO WRIGHT WRIGHT NOW! (Pun intended, sorry for PUNISHING YOU! I'll stop now...) please please PLEASE wright some ideas in the comments! Also, have you seen season four of mystreet on Aphmau's channel?! WATCH IT! Um bye!
Laurel Sama

Word count:418

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