New years kiss of love?

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It's almost New Years. You know what that means! Shelby is staying until a little bit after New Years so I'm exited. I need to not be a whimp and kiss her already! Why do I have to be so embarrassed! I haven't told anyone I like her, not even my best friend Ross. I haven't told him because I have a feeling he would get mad at me for liking his cousin. I wonder how he would react? How Shelby would react! To many emotions right now. I'm going to take a nap to let off stress. Right as I was going to take a nap, someone knocks on the door. I open it and see Shelby. "Hey max, if you're not busy, Ross, Tim, and I are going to see rogue one in the theatre, so if you want you can come with." "Sure Megan, I'll come." She giggled. She took my hand and dragged me out of my room. I went down stairs with her. Tim and Ross were in my truck already, I don't know why they choose mine. We got to the movies and got tickets and snacks. (I've seen the movie and it really good! Not sponsored) during the movie, Shelby was getting a little sleepy, she was sitting next to me so she put her head on my shoulder. (I NEED PLOT!) I blushed a small pink shade, I don't think anyone saw because it was so dark. I put my arm around her. She moved closer. I smiled a little. The movie was over and the lights came on. I moved my arm from Shelby. We got up and went back to my truck to drive home. It was a pretty good movie! Ross and Tim went out some where, and it was just Shelby and I. Alone. Together. I removers the last time we were alone together, Shelby wasn't dating anyone at the moment so that won't happen again, hopefully. I asked Shelby if she wanted to watch tv or something. She agreed, we watched an anime called attack on tacos. (What?)
The next day
Shelby POV
It was New Year's Eve and I was nervous about the end of the night. Who would be my New Years kiss? Did I want to be kissed? The last person to kiss me was max and we all saw how that turned out. I must mentally prepare myself for tonight.  I go to my bag and get a purple tank top, (yes in winter) and black shorts. I put on my grey sweater like always. I think I look okay. I put on my makeup like always and brush my hair. I curl the bottom of my hair a put it in a ponytail. I walk out the door remembering to put on a black tuque. (Bennie for you amaricains) As I walked down the stairs, I saw max, he was wearing a red tuque, black pants, and a black turtle neck with his z necklease (don't know how to spell!) I went up to him, but when he saw me coming, he blushed slightly, probably because he's nervous about who he will kiss, or that I won't like who he kiss'. I thought nothing of it and walked up to Max. "Hey max! How's it going?" I asked him," o-oh h-hi Shelby! I'm doing fine, you?" His blush went away slowly, "I'm fine, have you decided who you will kiss on new years yet?" I asked him, his blush returned. "Oh! I haven't thought of that! heh heh heh.... but I think I might not kiss anyone, I don't think I'm confident enough." I was shocked, max is one of the most confidant people I knew. I wonder why he was blushing? I went with max to get IHOP. (I can't thinkkkk)

Later that day


It's almost time! It's almost time! It's. almost. Time. I am SO nervous! I'm surprised Shelby didn't catch on  earlier by how much I was blushing. I went and asked Shelby if she wanted to watch a movie and she said yes. I let her choose, which was a bad idea, and she choose, the one and only, frozen.... Why me? I was mad but I didn't want to mess anything up for tonight.

Close to midnight

It almost time! Now I'm really starting to panic. What is she doesn't like me back! If she doesn't want to be friends anymore! All of these thoughts rush through my Mind. It was almost midnight. Everyone who was at our house went on to the roof. (Cliché) I was a flat roof so it was good that we didn't fall off.  It was 3 minutes until midnight, I was a panicked mess. As the seconds went by, I blushed even more. 1 minute until midnight. I made sure I was standing neer Shelby. It was the countdown 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2, it hit 1 I took the courage I had and kissed Shelby. I actually did it. I DID IT! Finally. Everyone was going crazy over the fact that it's 2017 now (the start of the story was 2015 and I time skipped a year) I on the other hand was shocked that I kissed the girl of my dreams.

Shelby POV

Midnight was approaching quickly. I wonder if I'll get a kiss this year at all? If I do, I'm hoping it's someone I've known for a long time. With 1 minute until midnight, I saw max look for me, so I went over to him. Weird. The 10 second countdown had began, and everyone was counting down and standing next to their crush or lover. I was standing next to my best friend max. I knew that Max wouldn't kiss me, because this morning, he told me that he doesn't want to kiss anyone. At least that's what I thought! The time struck midnight and max turned my head around to face him, he gently but passionately, kissed me. Not on the cheek like last time, but on my lips. I wasn't mad. Nor sad. But deep down, I feel something, like I wanted this. I don't really know. We went apart, and I didn't run away this time, I think it's because people weren't looking this time, OR taking pictures. "Max, you kissed me? But I thought you didn't want to kiss anyone?" "Didn't, b-but you just happens to be the one I was standing next to, so as tradition, I kissed you..." I went up to him. I took his arm and took him inside so no one would see. "Shelby, why are you bringing me inside? Are you cold or something, because I could give you my jacket." I shushed him. I wanted to see if I was right, I had a feeling Max wanted to be more than friends. I kissed his lips. I did it for a few seconds, but I felt the same feeling in my stomach again. What was it? "S-Shelby, w-wh-why did you do that?" Max said while blushing, and stuttering a lot which I thought was cute. " max, when you kissed me on the roof, I didn't think much of it, that you only kissed me because I was the only one around, but when you said the words I thought, you stuttered and I Knew that wasn't the case. I had a feeling it would be that you wanted to do that. Answer me Max, do you like me? For more then a friend?" I asked max with a serous face. "Well I see how you would think that, b-but I-I, um, yes..." he said the last word in a whisper. Max was blushing ALOT! "How long?" I asked him, "few months, heh..."  I was surprised! A few MONTHS! "Max why didn't you tell me?" "I don't know, I didn't know how you would react! I haven't even told Ross yet." Wow. He must be keen on keeping his secrets of love to himself. I kiss him on his cheek, "you should have told me max, I would never get mad at you, you know that. We can't control our emotions, but we can control our actions to tell the person the emotion we are feeling. Max I'm glad you told me. But we live so far apart, and we are kind of related in a way because Ross is like a brother you you, and I'm his cousin, and-" he cut me off, " I don't care if it's like we're kind off cousins, and I know that we like far apart, but we don't need to date each other if your not comfortable with it, I only said I liked you, that it" I felt like I had weight on my shoulder I needed to get off, I think that was the weight. I can't believe I didn't relive this before, I liked max. I didn't want to like my best friend, if we started dating and broke up, would we stay friend, not be friends anymore, stay friends but have an awkward tension between us? I didn't not want to be close to max. "Max, if we ever do start dating, and we break up, will we stay friends?" I asked max, " of coarse Shelby! I never want to loose you, your a wonderful person and I'm lucky to call you second best friend, but first and only crush." I blushed at his words. I wanted to kiss him right then and there, but I didn't know if it was the right time or not. I gave up and kissed his forehead, max blushed. I told max I was going to my room to play game. I wanted to let off stress. Max asked if he could play on the server and I said sure. We went our separate ways to our rooms. Even though we have rooms next to each other. When I got to my room, I screamed, quietly, into my pillow. I like pillow therapy. I went on to Minecraft and saw max standing there. I typed "hey mithzanmax how are you?" I wanted to kind of reenact how we met. We talked like that for a while. Later, I went to bed because it was 4 am. I decided to kiss max, on his forehead mind you, goodnight.


Shelby and I went inside, I don't know
why though. She kissed me. She flippin kissed me... I am so confused and happy!

After, Shelby went to sleep

I need a plan, to, to ask Shelby on a date!


Word count: 1817

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