Chapter 16

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I walked into Marc Jacobs with confidence the next day

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I walked into Marc Jacobs with confidence the next day. I met the editor and we decided to discuss the line. Some of the clothes were truly amazing. He asked me if they could name it "Leah" but I decided on "Lee" because Nate calls me Lee.

My shoot was tomorrow and the ads would be out a week after. I was getting $3000 for each picture considering I had to do fifty shots. I couldn't believe Marc Jacobs wanted to name a line after me!

Rocky was waiting for me outside.
"You have a Jimmy Fallon interview day after tomorrow!" she broke the news.
"No way!" I shrieked in excitement.
"Yes. Be there by eight pm. I'll text you the address." she told me.


I threw my hair in a messy bun and made my way to the photo shoot at six pm.

The clothes had a theme as well. The walls were painted in bright, fluorescent colors and the clothes were all white, beige, grey and black. After hair and makeup, I started to put on my first outfit. Then to the next dress. Then to the next shoes.

We wrapped up at nine pm and I reached home by a quarter to ten.

I went straight to Chuck's suite, just to find him sticking his tongue down Blair's throat.
"Ew. Make it stop." I laughed.
"Is it selfish to want privacy?" Blair pouted.
"I was thinking we could go down and get a drink. I figured you'd be here." I looked at Blair.

"Did you eat anything?" Chuck asked.
"No, Father." I rolled my eyes.
"We're going to dinner. Come." Blair said.
"Where?" I asked.
"Daniel." She replied.

I ate a bite of my pizza when Blair asked,
"Is it true you get to be on Jimmy Fallon?" Blair asked.
"Yes." I smirked.
She smiled.
"Leah, I'm so proud of you. You proved everyone who thought you couldn't do anything in life wrong."

Chuck gave me an apologetic smile.

Its true. Before I started modeling, I used to be extremely smart. Smarter than Blair. I was a straight A student. Once I turned thirteen, I started to care about other things and studying wasn't one of them. Bart says that I'm not driven enough. He said that if I was passionate enough, he would let me take over and not Chuck.

As if I want his legacy.

We paid the bill and left. Tomorrow was my big day. I mean, a girl needs her beauty sleep right?"


"Welcome to the Tonight show with Jimmy Fallon. Today's first guest is the budding upcoming supermodel. She is here on account of her new Marc Jacobs clothing line. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Leah Bass!" I walked in, excited and pumped up. For the first time I was getting more attention then Chuck or Bart. I enjoyed the attention. I felt special. I greeted the crowd enthusiastically and sat down.

"So what is your modelling story Leah?"
"I've always wanted to be a model like I said. I signed my first contract with Ralph Lauren when I was 12.  I did sign one or two contacts after that as well. When I was 13, I got my braces out. I guess that's when my kind of career 'kicked off' . By the time I was 13.5 years old , I was super famous. I was signing contract after contract. I did miss a lot of school for the shoots too. But now, looking back I think all of it was worth it. I really love my career and I want to be an inspiration and or role model for teenagers."

"Wow. What does it feel like to have a father who is the richest man of the year?"
"I don't know the answer to that question really. My dad was hardly ever home while I grew up. I saw him occasionally  on Christmas or my birthday. We have had our ups and downs.  He is engaged to my best friend's Mom, Lily. Both of them really love each other. Earlier it was my dad, my brother and me. Now It's Lily, my dad , My twin brother Chuck , my best friend Serena and her younger brother Eric. So that is a big family. It's a totally new experience for me though.

"We heard you were suffering from anorexia. If you don't mind could you tell us a little about it?"
"Uh, okay. I always wanted to have my own job. I never really had my heart set on running Bass Industries. When I signed my first contract with Ralph Lauren, I wasn't really pretty. I was insecure about my looks, and I guess that's when I stopped eating. One meal would be minused slowly. But to girls, if you are watching this, remember that if you are beautiful inside, then you are beautiful outside. Never give up on yourself in the process of doing something new." The crowd clapped and cheered for me. I felt so proud of myself for sharing something so deep and personal.

"Could you tell us about your relationship with your brother?" Jimmy asked.
"My brother and I are really close. We do fight like every other sibling, but we love and respect each other too." I said.

"Now lets move on to something interesting. What about your love life?" he asked. I chuckled.
"I'm a heartbreaker. I've had six boyfriends this year."

Pause. The crowd laughs.

"Yeah I know; I've broken all of their hearts. Well, except my last boyfriend. He was the one. And I let him go. I still love him. He taught me to love and to respect myself. I love you Nate." Just then, that bell, signifying the end of the show rings. Jimmy looked full of questions, but hugged me. The crowd cheered. I went for the last time. I sat in the green room, thinking of what I had just said on national television. Actually it will be broadcasted internationally too. I seriously have a death wish.

I stepped out and waited for my limo as I walked down the block. It was freezing. I wrapped my coat around me. My phone just wouldn't stop buzzing.

I was so engrossed in my phone; I didn't notice the ditch in front me.
Then someone held my hand. It was Nate.

"Careful please." He said.
"Thanks." I smiled sheepishly.
"Why are you walking alone?" he asked.
"My limo's just down the lane."
"Really? I don't see a limo."
"It was here a second ago." I lied.
"I know when you're lying, Bass." He smirked.
"Then you know me too well Archibald." I grinned.

With that, he pulled me forward and we shared a long, soft kiss.
"Come home with me?" he asked.
"Course." I smiled.

He opened the door to his Ferrari and started he engine. We drove home in full speed, my hair flying in the wind.

He opened the door to his bedroom and kissed me once again. I stripped in the bathroom and came out wearing nothing but my negligees.

I took his hand and firmly secured it on the small of my back. Then leaned in for a kiss.

Instead, he of kissing me, he picked me up and lifted me to his shoulders. I squealed and dangled my legs in the air. Then he put me on his bed. I was lying down and he held my hands on top of me. He kissed me, this time passionate and hungry.

Between kisses, he said,
"I love you Leah." So many times, I felt like I was on the rollercoaster of happiness.
"I've waited so long to hear those words." I mumbled.

Never coming up for air, I started undoing his shirt buttons and he finally removed it. I rested my hand on his chest, tracing the muscles. His lips suddenly left mine and attached themselves to my neck.
I removed a strap of my negligees to give him better access. Slowly he tugged on my negligees, pulling it down, and soon the only thing I was wearing was my bra set from La Perla.

"You're so beautiful, you know?" he whispered seductively in my ear.
"You're not all that bad yourself, Archibald." I answered.
"Aah. Playing cocky, huh? Lets see where this gets you." I giggled.

"This isn't fair. I'm lying here in my underwear and you've still got clothes on." I fake furrowed my eyebrows.
"I love it when you boss me. Its so sexy." With that, he unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his pants and slowly slid them down.

"Much better." I purred.
His hands went behind my back. Nate unclipped my bra, and threw it to a corner of the room.
"Good thing I got a Brazilian wax, huh?" I smiled.

Nate nodded, drooling over the sight of naked body.

I slid his Calvins down and threw them to neverland. Nothing between us now. Not a layer of clothing. Just him and me. He makes me feel special and loved. He's my missing puzzle piece. And at that last kiss, I felt complete.

Attention → N. Archibald [Gossip Girl] (undergoing editing) Where stories live. Discover now