Second year

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"Do you have to leave now?"

My dad gathered my trunk and walked slowly towards the front door, sad that i was leaving for hogwarts so soon!

"Unfortunately, yes dad, and I have to leave soon or I'll miss the train!"

he sighed deeply and hugged me tight.

"Don't be sad i'm coming back for Christmas!" I said trying to lift my father's spirits

"I know it's just...lonely without anyone here..."

"I know, I'll message you!"

"Ok. now go on i don't want you to miss the first night of your second year."

"Bye dad!"

"Bye jazzy cat!"

With that i grabbed my trunk and lilly and hailed a taxi cab.

"Where to?"

"The train station please!"

after about 5 minutes of driving I paid the driver and hopped out of the car. I had just made it. I ran through the wall just barely making it. I slipped on the train and found my friends. All through summer Draco, hermione, ron, George, fred, and connie had messaged me. I was very fond of my friends. I sat in between Connie and hermione. we were talking about potions we had made over the summer. later on the twins came along.

"Hey, where is harry and ron?" Hermione asked.

"how would we know?" fred and george said in unison.

"How in the Bloody hell do you NOT know where your own brother is?" connie said.

"We don't keep track of everyone in the house!" fred said.

soon enough the train arrived at hogwarts. we had the ceremony for the new students. there is a new weasley in Gryffindor now. her name is Ginny. she seems very shy. but pretty. Ravenclaw's new edition is Jade! she is a pureblood. daughter of a Slytherin and a Ravenclaw. Hufflepuff got a new little boy. I think...Felix? Slythrins got a boy and a girl. Sasha, a half-blood, and stanely, a mud-blood. I saw Draco eye sasha. she sat next to him and they started talking about something. I decided to brush it off. there is no crime in talking to a new student.

later on almost 2 hours before curfew I ran into harry and ron.

"Merlin's sake! where have you two been? you had us worried!" i said hugging them.

"long story-" ron started but was quickly cut off by harry.

"We missed the train to hogwarts so we flew ron's father's car to hogwarts. we crashed into a tree, and lost the car, and we are supposed to be going to professor Snape at the moment."

"Seems like you had an adventurous trip!"

"No kidding!" ron said smiling.

"Ok well, you two best be going Snape doesn't like to wait!"

"Ok bye jazz!" they said together and rushed past me.

I wondered mindlessly outside. I went to the edge of the slytherin territory. I found a bench and sat down summoning my guitar that I had gotten last year. I strummed it tuning a little. I started to hum. I like muggle music. it's much better than ours. I started to softly sing City of Stars. it was from this movie called...La La Land I think? either way the song was beautiful. Dodie and Jon sung the song wonderfully which inspired me to learn the chords on my guitar.

City of stars....are you shining just for of stars....Oh, there's so much that i can't see....who knows? I felt it from the first embrace i shared with  you....

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