The Cold Rain (Yuri)

Start from the beginning

those bright emerald green eyes...

and her soft light colored skin...

makes me want to touch her--


what the HELL am I thinking? it's too much!.. ERASE! ERASE! sheeesh...

She's Natsumi Aoi,

My dearest best friend.

she crossed the street and walked on my side,

"Oi! come on Zumi-chan were going to get late, don't you know? you can look at me like that later,"

she said, I realized I was leering at her, so bad...

"wahh!???" I got ashamed and sarcastic. what am I going to do? I was about to say I'm very sorry,

but she stopped me by touching my lips on her two fingers, saying

"shhhh! it's fine!"

and gave me a bright cute smile.

What's with me today! Shizumi are you asleep? wake up!!!! your messing things up! yow!? do you hear me?!

She held my hand.

"Come on Zumi-chan!"

My heart started to pump wildly, and I started to blush. Luckily she's not looking.

Okay what the hell's happening to me... seriously..

We started to walk to school, her hand still mine,

School is huge, and we're very lucky we got a scholarship at this "for rich only" school,

the school guard greeted us, and opened the gates,

they're all formal,

the gates,

the buildings,

the garden,

even the comfort room!

but while roaming my eyes,

the students were eyeing us,

she removed her hand, and looked at me, she also saw it,

"Let's go Zumi-chan, your always a turtle! "

she teased and forced a smile,

I know she's kind of pissed off, but still smiling, I knew her since elementary, very very shy, introvert, sad and always bullied, well it changed when I met her.

we're on class 10-A, tenth grade, first section,

the people are gathering on the entrance corridor of our classroom,

wonder what is it,

"Good Morning Ms. Haruka"

"Good Morning!"

"Good Morning Ms. President!"

"Good Mornin' how's your day?"

They greeted me cheerfully, but the thing is, I don't know these guys,

my classmates, probably I know them, but there's a crowd of people greeting me, umm-- just me... I don't know them, really... am I really this popular?

I looked at the back and found Natsumi being left,

I took her hand tightly and pulled her to me ,so she won't get hurt on the crowd,

I swiftly moved on our room and closed the door,

our classmates were sitting on their seats, chatting, laughing, and doing their own businesses,

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