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My eyelids flutter open from a blissful dream , sad to have awoken. I run my hand over my swollen abdomen. My fingers run up and down until I feel something . A stir coming from deep inside me . The baby's kicking.
I turn a whisper to Killian to wake up , obviously he doesn't as he snores to his hearts content. I give him a nudge and he groans , unhappy about being woken.
"Killian? Killian wake up!"
Another groan followed by a sigh as he turns onto his back , rubbed his eyes.
"The baby's kicking!"
He jolts up right -should have tried that to begin with- and his eyes trail from mine down my hand that caresses my stomach. Killian lifts his unsteady hand and places beside mine. Our child kicks once more and we both chuckle , beams upon our faces at the feel of our unborn child's actions. Killian hooks (get it? sorry) his arm around my waist and pulls me close . I snuggle into his chest with my hand still placed over my stomach.
"Stupid stump"
I can't help but laugh at Killian's words , his stump preventing him from from rubbing a free hand over my bump .

It's a Saturday , which means neither me nor Killian will have to go wake Henry. Damn it , they always go for a sail at noon on the weekends. At least I get an hour before he'll have to leave.
Killian leans his head on top of mine and runs his fingers up and down my spine. I sigh , content, and burrow into his chest ; inhaling his scent.

We lay here for a while but after some time I feel Killian trying to escape my clasp. I groan ,unhappy about him leaving, and tighten my arms.
"Love, it's a 11am ; me and the lad are going to the docks in an hour"
He chuckles whilst trying to unclasp my arms from his chest.
"Emma?" His voice more serious this time.
I sigh and reluctantly release him . Killian picks my chin up with his fingers , I look up at him .
"You know how I despise leaving you and our son" he says with hand now over my 5 month bump." But its tradition and I wouldn't miss it for the world, being out with Henry on the water."
I can't help but smile at what he just said , he's such a good dad to Henry and the thought of what he'll be like with our son fills me with so much excitement.
"You're such a good father to him. He loves you almost as much as I do." I state , telling the absolute truth.
"Well obviously, I succeed at a lot." He jokes " I try my best at least "
I shake my head " you don't have to try , you're amazing with kids and I know that Henry and our son are the luckiest ones in every realm."
He blushes and looks down at his hands. "I love you , Emma Swan"
"I know" I smirk." Now go ! Enjoy your father-son bonding time! " I say , pushing him out of the bed.

I saunter down to breakfast, smiling to myself at the noise of my two most favourite people in the world laughing. As I turn the corner,still hidden, I watch them and thank idek who for how lucky I am. I emerge from my spying spot and walk over to the table.
"Hey kid" I say whilst I ruffle his hair.
I look to Killian and he at me , we both look into one another's eyes .
"Well then Henry,we best be off."Killian says after breaking our long gaze.
"Okay , bye mom." Henry embraces me then goes to get his coat.
Killian walks around the table and wraps me into his strong arms. He kisses my head and fiddled with the ends of my hair. I pull back and lean up for a kiss ; a full on passionate one , which is exactly what I get.
"Son present, please refrain from making out in front of me." Henry must have reentered , I laugh and so does Killian as he pulls away .
"I'm irresistible Henry , with my smouldering eyes and dashingly handsome face." Killian smirks whilst playfully punching Henry's shoulder , who rolls his eyes and laughs.
"Ready to go then dad? Or need another kiss?" Henry asks.
Killian shrugs, kisses my forehead , rubs my bump and looks me in the eyes to tell me "I love you, Swan"
"As I love you, Killian."
"Daaaddd" Henry groans , becoming impatient.
"Lets go ." Killian replies and puts his hand on Henry's shoulder.
As they walk down the path and onto the street I watch from the window. I caress my unborn child and whisper to him "one day you can go with them , daddy will you out on the Jolly Roger and he'll teach you everything . Daddy loves you and so does your big brother.
I love you .....Liam."

I know it's shit but I was rushing as I have a deal with my best friend sooooo I need to upload a chapter before she uploads hers. Go check it out it's 'memories// a Thomas Brodie-Sangster imagine '
I'd really like to know what you guys think so please comment your opinions, what'd you think about the name 'Liam' ?
Anyways I aim to post a new chapter everyday but no promises
C xxx

happy beginning || emma and killian Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon