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We walk back into town, linked at the arms, my head on his shoulder. As we approach Grannies, Killian stops and turns to face me. Sensing my unease he smiles then kisses me. After a few blissful moments I pull back.
" David may kill you, you know?" I laugh but in truth that scares me.
"I told you Swan, I'm a survivor." He sounds fairly confident but I can see the slight panic on his face, under the smile. I laugh then pull him towards the door. We hesitate in unison but he opens it eventually.

Everyone glances over as we enter but only my family greets us. At the furthest booth sits my father who watches my brother, Neal, sleep in our mother's arms. Opposite them are Henry and Regina. When we reach the table they all stare me with a quizzical look on their faces. I look to Killian for an answer but he just silently chuckles.
" Emma,what's the matter. Why have gone Ghost white? Why are sweating so much?" My mother asks in a rushed, concerned voice.
"I'm fine,mom."
"well don't just stand there. Sit." My father says as he gestures at the seat.
"I'm good thanks." I look to Killian and he smiles and lifts an eyebrow in encouragement. With a sigh, I retreat from my position pressed against his chest and turn to face my family once more. They stare back questionably.
"mom?" Henry asks.
I take a deep breath, hold onto Killian a little tighter, before beginning.
"I... I'm...... " sigh "I'm pregnant." I say with glee and relief.
I bury myself back into Killian's chest and await their reactions.
Neal is passed to my dad and within seconds, I'm in her embrace.
I peer over my shoulder to see my father forcing a smile. When I'm finally released, I turn to see Henry and Killian man hugging. With Killian's hand still on his shoulder, he turns to me.
"congratulations, looks like I finally get a sibling."
"thanks kid"
Henry comes forward and hugs me. I look to Killian who has the biggest smile.

happy beginning || emma and killian Where stories live. Discover now