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After Killian walking Henry to school with me still asleep, he had returned to wake my by stroking my hair and caressing my face. I dressed and went downstairs to get some breakfast, after throwing up twice that is.
"what's all this?" I ask after viewing the breakfast Killian had prepared for me.
"a pirates breakfast."
He says and proudly gestures towards what he's prepared. Pomegranate seeds, grapes and bread. I approach him,he takes me in his arms and kisses me. Half an hour later, we're ready to go.

We walk -hand in hand- to the hospital. I'm nervous -really nervous- but at the same time filled with thrill. Killian, I think, feels the same.
When we arrive I walk up to the counter.
"excuse me, I'm Emma Swan, I'm here for my ultrasound."
"ah yes." she says then fumbles around searching for something. "here, fill this in please." she hands over a sheet on a clipboard. I smile, then retreat back to Killian who's sitting in the waiting room.
"got to fill this in." I say holding up the sheet to him.
I have to state my name, Killian's, trimester etc. When I'm finished I return it to the lady and she leads us to the room. She tells me put the hospital sheet on. Meanwhile Killian searches around the room looking at all the posters, diagrams and models. Laughing and cringing.
"for someone born in the enchanted forest this is all extremely strange."
I laugh.
"you'll manage."
The door opens and in steps our doctor, Dr whale.
"Whale." I acknowledge in return.
He walks over and shakes Killian's hand. Then turns to me.
"Let's get started then shall we?"
I squeeze Killian's hand and nod in reply .
"You may want to exit , I'll for you when we're ready to do the ultrasound." Dr whale exclaims to Killian who just looks confused .
I smile in assurance until his face relaxes. He sighs , kisses my head then exits making a query glare towards Whale.
After the tests are completed, I change back into my clothes and return to my previous position.
A few moments later Whale comes back with Killian beside him. I automatically beam and he does the same. Our fingers entwine once more and feel a sense of relief flood through me.
"All alright love?"
He smiles in relief then gives my hand a squeeze.
The sound of wheels alerts me , we both break eye contact. We both turn to see Whale standing beside a tv.
"Ready?" He asks.
"For what?" Killian asks with a puzzled look.
"To see your baby."
"How the bloody hell is that possible?"
I smile and chuckle to myself at his dorky ness.
Whale sighs and explains the ultrasound ethnic.
"Oh" Is all he Killian has to say.
"Well lets get started shall we?" Says Whale.
I nod my head , to nervous to speak in fear of making a weird squeal of something. Killian squeezes my hand and I can feel him tremble.
Whale squirts some cold liquid into my stomach and presses the thingy (I have no idea what it's called ,sorry) down smearing it around , making me flinch.
The screen flickers and an image reveals a blurry image that slowly comes into focus. And there it is ; our baby. Another product of true love and he or she is ours. Our child.
I feel my eyes swell with tears and some trickle down my cheeks. Beside me I hear a choked gasp and I feel Killian lean into the chair for support. I turn to see his gorgeous face that's now streaked with tears. He laughs slightly and I join in. I put my hands to his face and he wipes away my tears.
"We're having a baby , Swan."
I beam and lean into kiss him.
It's soft yet passionate and I feel so incredibly happy.
The clearing of a throat breaks our moment and we look back to Whale who stands there awkwardly.
"Umm...I was wondering if you'd like to know the sex?"
I guess we hadn't discussed that . Did I want to know or did I want it to be a surprise ? What did Killian want? Actually he probably doesn't know what it even means. Once again he wears a confused look upon his face.
"The gender? Boy or girl?" Whale asks waiting for Killian to click , which he does . He turns to me " do you want to know Swan?"
"I'm not exactly sure, maybe"
I've decided, I want to know.
"Yea" I whisper.
"So do I " He strokes my hand and smiles.
"It's a boy."
I sit up and fling myself at Killian, wrapping my arms tight around him. I wanted a son , I've always pictured Killian with a son -first at least.
I loosen my grip so that I can look into Killian's eyes.
"God I love you " he says " and I already love him."
"Me too"
We embrace tightly once more . I rest my head on his shoulder.
"A son." Killian whispers.
I smile and lean further into him.
We're having a baby.

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