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The twins walked down the long marble hallway in silence. With no one around, the siblings had no need to remain neutral, and allowed themselves to relax in each other's presence. Jane's face held a thoughtful look while Alec's held stone cold resolve. Noticing his sister's expression, Alec inquired, "What bothers you, sister?"

Jane pursed her lips before responding. "It's just-... how could one of our kind be so, well, different? She sleeps, she can't remember her past, she tires easily, and she's so-"

"Blunt?" Alec offered his stressing twin.

Jane sighed in annoyance. "I was going to say honest. Who comes to us willingly to report a crime, and not even out of spite? She knew it was wrong, and rather than try to right the wrong herself, she came to us." Approaching her room, Jane sighed again. "And how she knows nothing about us. Isn't it strange?"

"Well she did say she was abandoned. Maybe her creator thought she was too weak to keep up and left her to the mercy of the world?" Alec said, leaning up against the door frame to be sister's room.

"With that power? She could kill a man and he wouldn't even noticed until she removed her teeth from his neck." she said, opening the wooden door and entering. Alec flowed closely behind, and took the seat at the desk as Jane walked about and talked. As she often did when she was nervous.

"Surely the others would have seen her potential."

"Maybe they didn't want to worry about some strange vampire- look." Jane turned to her brother as he leaned over to begin explaining himself. "Your right. She tires and she sleeps. She is ignorant of our laws and the severity of the crime she had reported. Her eyes are nothing like we have ever seen before in our centuries of living, and she has a peculiar power. I'm surprised that that many covens allowed her near them."

Jane tilted her head in confusion. "How do you mean?"

Alec became somber quickly as he straightened himself up. "She is strange. Strange attracts attention. Strange attracts fear. And fear makes people do rather regretful things."

Jane tensed at the indirect mention of their human lives and started to defend Sybil. "She's not strange, she's- well, different." Alec quirked an amused brow at this. "She's weaker. She needs someone to watch over her, constantly apparently, since she can't seem to take care of herself."

Alec scoffed. "And who would take up such a duty. Demetri? Yourself?"

"She has a strong and potential gift." Jane muttered. Alec realized what she was insinuating.

"Jane," he spoke softly in a comforting tone. "Aro wouldn't-"

"Wouldn't he? She did a shield of sorts. No one, not even Demetri I bet could detect her. We couldn't and she was right in front of us. Think of the possibilities!" she exclaimed.

Alec did agree, Sybil did have an amazing talent. Aru would have known of it by now. 'Maybe that's why he's letting her stay. To give her time to join', Alec thought. "All I'm saying is," he stood up and walked to Jane, placing his hands on her shoulders in a gentleness only she was privy to, "she is a wanderer. She knows she different, she knows why others don't ask her to stay with them. So she leaves without attachments. What makes you think the Volturi would be any different?" he explained.

'But you didn't feel her lean into your touch. You didn't see that look of want on her face when you talked to her, as if no one has ever talked to her. You didn't see her wince when she had admitted no coven had asked her to stay before.' Jane thought. 'But then again, I might be reading too far into her habits she has developed during her isolation.'

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