"There's always Washington," he says, holding up the suit.

"Aw, come on Peter," I said. "I bet it looks fantastic."

Peter gives me an unreadable look. My face heats up, "so, when is the trip anyway?" I change the subject.

"In a week," he smiles. "Soon. Don't worry 'Tense."

"At least it'll give us a short break from crime fighting."

"No superhero truly gets a break from their jobs," Peter reminds me gently.

"I know Spidey, but it's nice to think that though," I simper. I pick up my bag, next to the place where Peter's clothes hang up. "School's going to be a pain till then." I lean back a tiny bit.

"Watch out," Peter says, as I fall back into the closet section. He yanks me up right with a web. Maybe with a little too to much force, and I end up falling into him.

"Sorry, I should've been watching what I was doing," I said, using Peter to steady myself.

"No problem. My spider-sense is getting stronger," he tries to remove the web that's attached to my arm; which has now fastened itself to both of us.

"Here," I burn away the rest of the web carefully, with my energy generating powers. I look up and briefly meet Peter's gaze. I feel really awkward, being so close to him. I take a step away. "Better?"

"Yeah, better," Peter smiles, removing the remaining pieces of webbing.

 Then the sound of the apartment door unlocking, comes from the other room.

"Hey, I'm back," Aunt May calls.

Peter pulls open the bedroom door, "hi, Aunt May."

"Glad to see you got home safely. Oh, good to see you Fiona," Aunt May's lips curl into a smile, revealing her bright white teeth.

"Good to see you too. Um, Peter, I gotta go." I sling my backpack over my shoulder.

"Okay, I'll walk you out."

I find it weird, because Peter never walks me out of anything, or anywhere.

"You don't have to," I make my way to the door.

"No, its no trouble," Peter reaches for the door for me. Which I'm starting to think that something's up, due to his abnormal behavior.

I step outside his apartment, and Peter closes the door behind us. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"What do you mean?"

"You're acting strange."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," he's not really the best liar.

"An agent, Jemma Simmons told me that, when people lie, their expressions change. Even the slightest crinkle in their forehead is a possible sign of lying."

Peter and I lock gazes for a split second, before he starts talking. "Down the street, a shop exploded. I could've stopped it, but I didn't. I was too slow."


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Heart and Heroics ›› Peter Parker [1] #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now