Chapter five

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(Phil age 17)
Cat and Phil both sat down and started making small talk. Phil was having a good time until the waiter spilled water all over his arms. Phil told the waiter it was okay and rolled up his sleaves. In that moment Phil forgot about the name on his wrist until Cat noticed. "What the fuck is that!!" Cat screamed out, attracting attention to their table. "What?" Phil asked. "This!" Cat reached across the table and grabbed his wrist. Phil's eyes widened in realization. "Oh shit" Phil mumbled under his breath. "You lied to me!" Cat screamed, standing up, only attracting more attention. "Well kinda" Phil mumbled once again. "You're just one of those fags!" Cat screamed again. "Excuse me!" Chris said walking over to her Pj following after him. "Oh you're also one of fags. This place is crawling with them." Cat said sassily. Chris rolled his eyes and walked back to their table. Cat took her water and threw it in Phils face before walking out. Dan rushed over to Phil. 'Are you ok?'Dan signed before realizing he probably doesn't know sign language. 'Yeah im fine' Phil signed back. Dans eyes wided and he turned to Chris and Pj, who looked the same. 'You know sign language?' Dan signed. 'Yeah' (again dont ask). 'What is the name on your wrist?' Dan asked. 'Dan' Phil signed looking down at his wrist. Dan just sat there with a shocked look on his face. 'Whats your name?' Dan signed. 'Phil'. Pj and Chris both looked equally shocked. Dan showed Phil his wrist and Phil understood. They both just stood there staring at each other. The resturant was silent until, "Just kiss already!" Chris yelled out. Dan blushed and looked at Phil who was also blushing. 'Do you want to go out for a walk?' Phil signed. 'I'd love to' Dan signed as they intertwined hands and walked out.

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