50 Shades of Psyhco

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-Warning: Extreme sexual content-

We stepped out of the theater with a huge range of emotions flowing through each one of us. The sun struck my eyes, forcing me to squint. It felt as if each ray of sunlight was burning through my retinas. I struggled to see for a few moments before my eyes finally adjusted, Noel reached over and locked her fingers in with mine, her right hand holding my bicep firmly.
"That moving was fucking awesome, holy shit" She laughed.

Again a shiver went through my body, something about her laugh drove me insane. Every inch of my body was affected by the sweet sound of her laughter.

We parted ways with Anthony and dean getting into our own cars. Deans an older car, a Chevy impala from 1967 with a shinny black finish. The inside however was redone with a modern stereo system.
I pulled the door of my car open and signaled for Noel to sit down with a smile. I closed the door behind her and walked around the car before happily slipping into behind the wheel and slamming the door with a chuckle.

"You really should be more careful with your care Ethan it's expensive" Noel sarcastically scolded.
I rolled my eyes and stuck the key in, the engine roaring like a lion before going close to silent.
"This car has been through so much, it's pretty strong and I'm very proud of her" I turned and pulled back out of the parking spot heading towards home.

It wasn't my home, it was Deans. But you already know this. I have a place of my own but it's rather boring. Typical two bedroom apartment, poorly decorated and very boyish. Nothing impressive.

Halfway home my mood shifted. The smile on my face vanished in a matter of seconds. The skin on my knuckles going white with presser from gripping the wheel. Noel noticed. She turned in concern and placed her hand on my arm.
"Darling you okay?"
"Yes fine" I lied.

I couldn't tell her the truth. I'm not your typical guy, I'll scare her away. A few years ago I realize I was a bit, well let's just say a bit far from normal. My mind was never truly in the right place. I've done things, things I shouldn't be proud of. I was minding my own business and something someone says sets me off and I'm uncontrollable. Impossible to stop. Slightly psychotic. Recently it got bad, and when I mean bad I mean death, but I'll get into that later, now isn't the time.

I pulled into the driveway and parked the car, we beat the boys home. I stepped out of the car and walked straight inside neglecting to open the door for Noel. I stormed up to my room, collapsing onto my bed with a grunt. I pushed my face deep into the pillow and screamed for a few moments.
"Ethan?" Noel's timid voice called from the doorway.
"Ethan... sweetie. You alright?"
I sat up, my body tense with random anger and fear.
"Yes. Fine" I lied once more. I turned and glanced at the clock, it read 8:30pm.
It was too early to go to sleep but I had to. I was exhausted. I was terrified. I was pissed. I was snapping, and I didn't want her to see me go down this path.

Everything about sweet sweet Noel was too much to handle. I didn't want to ruin the innocent look she had in her eyes. I didn't wanna hurt her.

The anger inside me built up and pushed at my edges to get out. It was screaming inside of me. It wouldn't stop. I sat up and turned to Noel and stared right into her eyes with determination. She slowly approached me.
I stood up and grabbed her by the waist ripping her towards me. I glanced down into her eyes and stared for a moment. My lips inches from hers.
"I want you" I whispered.
She said nothing she gripped the fabric on my shirt sending me into a crazy lust for her love and touch.

I spun her around, throwing her onto the bed, slowing crawling over her. Without hesitation I was suspended above her, my lips pressed firmly into hers. I could feel her hands gripping my shirt once again as we kissed. Her warm lips filling my body with overwhelming lust. Every inch of my body craved her, needed her. Yearned for her. Slowly my right hand started to creep its way up her shirt. Gently my fingers traced up her side, gently gliding beneath her bra.

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