Day out

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My eyes slowly opened. My right arm was draped over Noel, her hands were holding my arm tightly, her breathing was calm and rhythmic. It was calming honestly. Put me in a zen. I leaned forward and gently placed a kiss on her soft cheek. A sense of joy poured through my body as the warmth of her skin hit my lips.
She slowly woke up and turned, beaming up at me with her beautiful smile. The smile that I was finally seeing in front of my face. The smile I fell so deeply in love with. I still can't believe she's right here. It's going to take a few days to get used to honestly.
"Good morning gorgeous" I smiled down at her.
Her cheeks begun to quickly turn a bright pink. The color spread outward from her nose to her ears.
"M-Morning Ethan" She let out a small hiccup of a giggle and pulled the blanket over her face to avoid me looking at her. I laughed and pulled the blanket away and our eyes connected again, locked in a stare.
"Why are you hiding?"
"I, I don't know, let me hide"

She pulled the blanket back over her face and laughed. Her laugh was so beautiful, it was light and joyful, filled with a childhood spirit and the knowledge of an adult. Laughing I pulled away and sat up stretching my arms into the air. I turned and looked at the alarm clock on the bedside table "9:30am"
Wow, that's earlier then I normally wake up, I guess I was excited to get my day started with Noel. It was my very first full day with her after all. Who wouldn't want to get up and get that day started?

I stood up and walked over to the dresser and pulled out a shirt. I pulled the one I was wearing off and tossed it at Noel.
"Get up"
I pulled the new shirt over my head and pulled off my pajama pants. I went into the lower drawer of the dresser and pulled out a black pair of skinny jeans and pushed my feet through them jumping to get them over my butt.
"That wonderful ass of yours not fit in your jeans E?"
I rolled my eyes and turned to Noel who was now sitting up holding the blanket around her shoulders like she was cold.
"Sure whatever you say" I chuckled and walked back over to the bed.

I slowly crawled onto the bed pushing my body up close to Noel, leaving a quick peck on her lips before jumping off the bed again.
"I'm making breakfast. Join me downstairs in a bit, I'm sure dean is awake"
"Oh my god, dean!" Noel shrieked. She leaped out of bed and pushed passed me and ran downstairs.
I laughed and followed. I was reaching the bottom of the stairs when I saw her wrap her arms around him and tackle him to the ground.
"I saw you yesterday. What's with the rush" Dean wrapped his arms around Noel's waist and held her on top of him as they lay on the floor.
"I know I know I just, I'm finally getting to see you and I love you" she laughed.

Like I said earlier her laugh was perfect. It instantly lit up the room and brought the mood up, theres just something about her laugh, something about the cuteness of it that drives me insane.

Dean sat up and noel wrapped her legs around him, continuing to hug him. They shared a beautiful friendship. Just a small recap on the connection those two share. They met online through a mutual friend and instantly bonded. Ever since that day they have been inseparable and dependent on one another. Talking about the day they would meet for almost a year and half, they have been on top of making the other smile since they met, always putting the other first, sometimes it became a small war of who cared about who more, but in the long run it made for a beautiful bond they shared that's not like anyone else in the world. Dean loves Noel as if she was a younger sister and she loves him as if he was a brother. Like I said, a bond like no other. It truly is unique and beautiful. Anyway, back to the story ;)

"Aw, Noel I love you too" he leaned up and kissed her forehead and helped prop her up onto her feet.
"Aye, good morning Ethan, should I make breakfast"
"NO" I yelled. I pushed past them and forced my way into the kitchen.
"No you don't" Dean yelled grabbing my arm.
"My kitchen my breakfast"
I laughed and pushed him away opening the fridge with my free arm.
"No, I'm making breakfast step away from the fridge mister".

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