New Start

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The alarm clock began to beep loudly, waking me sharply. I groaned and sat up, missing it at first and knocking my phone onto the ground. "Fuck" I thought to myself. I reached down and grabbed my phone and shut off the stupid alarm. I pulled the blanket over my head and shut my eyes for a few moments attempting to get back to sleep. After about ten minutes of trying I finally gave up and reached for my phone. I pulled it under the blanket and read through my notifications. I had received seventeen text messages in total. Three from my cousin Dean, four from my best friend John and a total of ten from my girlfriend Noel. I chuckled to myself and slowly read through the messages from Noel.

Noel: "Hey darling, just wanted to let you know how grateful I am for having you in my life. You really do help bring a smile onto my face"
I smiled and chuckled. She loved to bring a smile onto my face. Even the smallest things made me smile, she could cough and it would make me smile. I'm weird and I'm really not going to give a shit about that.
I replied to her message "Hey baby, I love you, thanks for putting a smile on my face as always"

I put my phone down and pulled my shirt off and walked over to the bathroom. I sighed and turned on the water. Softly humming I stepped into the water and sighed happily into relaxation. The water was hot and relaxed my muscles as it trickled down over my back and my chest. Every inch of my body was sore, I'm not sure why, I haven't been doing much since I got off work a few weeks ago and I've been spending time at my cousins house.
He was a strange fella, tall, slender, muscular with black hair. His eyes were always very concentrated on whatever he was looking at. He was a young attractive man.
He lived alone with his husband Who he moved across the world to be with. He always bragged about his name and compared himself to dean Winchester form a popular tv show because he shared the name. I was very grateful for being able to stay with him. Of course I had a place of my own, but to be completely honest I sucked at living on my own, I'm better around people.

I shut off the water and stepped out wrapping a towel around myself, wiping myself dry.
I pulled my boxers on and collapsed onto my bed again and grabbed my phone again and looked at the messages.

Noel: "Where you at hoe"
I laughed and rolled my eyes and replied quickly.
"Oh is a man not allowed to take a shower and clean up? Okay I'll become a stinky hobo if that's what you want"

Were both slightly immature at times but it works. She has an excuse, she's young. She's still a fresh soul, she's a sophomore in high school. Every high schooler has the right to be immature at times, it's silly and fun. As for me on the other hand, I have no excuse, I graduated high school five years ago, I'm a twenty three year old man and I'm still cracking lame jokes. It's alright in some circumstances but I'm most of just makes me look retarded. I'm not saying that's a bad thing or anything but damn sometimes I wish I wasn't such a child.

Let's take this back a few weeks. I met Noel through dean. He had been friends with her for a year or so and realized he hadn't introduced us. Eventually he did and Noel and I hit it off almost instantly. We connected as if we had known each other for years and nothing was awkward, and I mean nothing. I could literally tell her I just ran out side naked and yelled "I want PB&J" and she wouldn't find me weird. It's a strange but lovely connection we have with one another. In a way you could say it was destined to happen. That's cheesy and weird I know but it's how I feel about the whole situation. I don't care about the age gap. I really don't. Clearly. Considering I asked her out, oh and not to get into my lame approach I never fully did it. I just kind of told her I wanted to be official and that was that. Lame right? Damn Ethan what a lame move. You had the chance to be romantic as shit and you blew it. "Let's be official" who the fuck says that.
Sorry I got sidetracked.
Noel and I really hit it off and so far it's been nothing but pleasure sailing, we have hit a few hard patches but we've gotten through them. And I know there's more to come but I believe we'll get through those as well. Now before I bore you, let's get back to the story you came for.

My phone began to ring which made me jump, I looked at the caller to notice it was John. I laughed and answered.
"Hello? Hi, yes. Where are you. Oh. Yeah I'm just being lazy nothing new. Fifteen minutes? Yeah I can be ready by then. Cool. Just come in, dean left the door unlocked" I hung up. John was a bit too polite at times. He felt he had to ask permission before coming over even though I insisted that dean was fine with him coming over. But it never got through to him.

Exactly fifteen minutes later john knocked at the door. I rolled my eyes and walked downstairs and opened the door
"John I'm telling you, dean loves you, he won't give a fuck if you come in or not"
John grunted and pushed my shoulder and he passed by me walking into the house.
"Yeah, well it's not my house, I need permission to come in"
"What are you a vampire?"
John laughed sarcastically
"Ahaha shut up"
I chuckled and shut the door behind me and followed him into the living room.

"So Ethan, how's that girl of yours"
"Who Noel? Amazing. I wish I could see her though, it's been longer then I'm willing to admit. I'll see her soon though I hope" I smiled and grabbed my phone.
"Hey baby. Johns asking about you, just thought I'd include you on what's going on, not really sure why" I chuckled to myself and then blushed when I realized I had laughed aloud.
"What's so funny Ethan"
I looked up and laughed. "Nothing. I laughed at my own text"
John rolled his eyes and held back a laugh of his own.
"You're something else man"
"And that's exactly why you love me" I winked.

John smiled and looked at me. "Okay listen. I have a surprise for you and I came over to tell you face to face. You've been dating this girl for a while now and it hurts me to see you go without her, so anyway" he turned and pulled two plane tickets from his pocket.
"These aren't real, they are photo copies of the tickets I bought her. She got them VIA email at some point today. I texted her a few minutes ago and told her to check her email. She flies out tomorrow. It's sudden but I wanted to do something for the both of you considering her birthday is coming up"

"You're kidding" tears came to my eyes, I took the tickets and looked at them. Sure enough there you ticket to the LAX airport and we're dated for tomorrow's arrival.
"I fucking love you" I threw my arms around john and pushed my face into the crook of his neck.
If it wasn't for him I have no idea when any of this was going to happen. I am so beyond grateful to have such an amazing man as my best friend. I was finally going to be able to see my sweet Noel.

My Sweet Noelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن