#5 Car Crash

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You stormed out of the flat, wondering how Justin could be so infuriating. You loved him with all your heart but sometimes he annoyed the crap out of you. Today was one of those days. You had been studying hard for finals when he had decided it would be a good idea to bring the boys over for a game of madden. You had called him into the kitchen where you were studying and asked if they could take their game to someone else's flat. "Babe I never get to have them over. Its just for a few hours." He said, not reassuring you in the least. It took only a few minutes for you to realize that studying in the kitchen was going to be impossible and their yells and cheering followed you as you tried the bedroom. The thin walls did nothing to stop the sound from infiltrating even there. You texted Justin, asking him if maybe they could keep it down. His curt response showed that he was annoyed and the noise seemed to intensify if anything. "I'm going to the library." You growled, slamming the bedroom door and stomping through the living room. "I'll be back later." You tossed over your shoulder, not bothering to conceal your anger. Justin mumbled something but it was lost with the slam of the front door as well. That was how you had ended up in your car, music blaring and white knuckles gripping the wheel. You knew you were overreacting and that was mostly due to all the stress you felt, but you also knew that Justin was well aware of how much you needed to do well on these tests. It seemed like you hit every red light as you made your way to the library, each car going slower than the one you had just passed. The light in front of you flicked to yellow and you knew you should stop but the day's impatience had piled up and you pressed the gas pedal instead. You pulled into the intersection and your car was sent flying across the road. Your head smashed against the steering wheel and everything went black.

Justin Bieber PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora