Chapter 52 - Recapping the first chapters

Start from the beginning

"Jim, I know I'm overeating, but I'm not an alcoholic or a chemist," I said seriously. "When I realize I'm overtaking, I get light and shallow.

"It's not what it looks like," said Jim sarcastically. "In the last six months you've brought a lot of trouble, wherever you went, even during the tour with the boys. The four of them commit excesses, I know very well, but Roger is sinking. What's the matter with you, Roger? Was not that his dream? Be a musician, a great drummer for a great rock and roll band and make a hit in the world? Be rich, famous and popular as you wanted? You have it all, but, you do not seem to be happy. It gets into confusion often. Hit your Range Rover earlier this year. Were you drunk or drugged? Tell me the truth.

"I could not dodge it, I told you, but I did not hit the car because it was under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Damn, I could not get the car out of the ditch. He said a little irritably.

- Whatever, but again you've been spotted driving drunk, you've been photographed drunk to the ground, often what the fuck. Your behavior is ruining Queen's image, "Jim said.

- What? - Freddie said - That's not possible - The guys and I are recording the new album and we're still reaping the laurels of success with the album A Night at the Opera and Bohemian Rhapsody, plus sales of the album A Day At The Races.

"We've been successful," Deacy commented. "Or are they hiding something from us?"

"I honestly do not understand," Bri said.

- Queen continues to make a huge success and I'm sure that the new album you're recording will be a huge success, but Roger's behavior has displeased the press and the band's fans, especially women. The women who are fans of Queen are saying that you are the rotten fruit of the band, Roger and that you can completely corrupt the rest of the band. Commented Jim.

I was alarmed. I did not know that my bohemian behavior was giving so much rebound. I do not care what press thinks, but I was worried about what the fans think of me. It's thanks to them that the band has had a great success and I love and respect my fans, especially female fans. I love women, though they are all treacherous. I was sad about this news now.

"And to top it all off, his betrayal was a subject on every gossip channel in the UK and the music industry. Dominique, a woman so beautiful and elegant, did not deserve his betrayal, Roger. He stayed with Debbie Harry for just one night, with kisses, meaningless. Jim said seriously.

I was thoughtful. I really have fame, women, I have the life of Rock Star, but, I'm unhappy. My personal life is a horror. Family problems and love.

"Jim, I do not want my female fans to think that about me, that I want to hurt the band. What the press thinks I want to screw up, but what the band fans think I'm worried about. He said worriedly.

"It worries us all," Deacy said.

"Do you think there's a solution to all these problems, Jim?" Asked Bri.

"Dear friend, you are our manager and we trust you, please, we do not want to lose our fans," Freddie said.

"There's a way of cleaning up Roger's image with the press and the fans," Jim said. "Roger has to get married urgently.

Freddie, Bri and Deacy looked at Jim in amazement and I freaked out.

- What? What? I? Marry? That's not possible, Jim. Dominique broke up with me about two weeks ago and I'm sure if she was dating me yet, I did not want to get married. She said she did not want to get married and have children quickly. He said incredulously.

"We do not have Dominique, but we can get another woman to marry you, Roger," Jim smiled.

"Wait, dear Jim. You mean we can get Roger a new girlfriend? Freddie started to have a fit of laughter.

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