Chapter 1: The Mission

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"Hey Kayden!" shouted the sergeant," get over here!"

Emily rose from her seat, in the front office, ignoring the 'oohs' and 'ahhs' snickered by her colleagues, making her way to her boss' office.
"Yes sir you called?"
"Have a seat Emily" pointing to the leather chair across from his desk.
The 56 year old soon to be retired sergeant sat, hand on chin, studying the young woman before him. 'She'd be perfect for the mission' he thought, 'she'd had her fair share of training, and she sure as hell could handle herself, capable enough to kick any man's butt if the need be, but would she come out of it the Emily everyone knew?'
"I have a mission for you Ms.Kayden, I believe you would be perfect for it, not to mention we need a woman for the job and there's no woman I know on the force who can hold her own as well as you."
What is it sir? Inquired Emily.
"Firstly, it's an undercover mission, remember all the reports about the girls that are missing? Waiting for her nod, he continued, "We believe it's more than just gang related, we believe it's human trafficking and drugs are involved. We managed to infiltrate parts of their scheme but not entirely."
"So where do I come in?"

"Well, we'll get there soon enough, the head of the drug ring, drug cartel Emilio Costa, Mexican immigrant, has been conducting drug deals in the city for the last 5 years and now we're the closest we've ever been to catching him.

Spotting the look of confusion in her eyes, he continued, "We as in the FBI and us, One of our men and one of their men are undercover; they managed to keep their cover as drug dealers for the past year. One is a 'colleague' and the other is an advisor to his closest friend."

He continued on, "Mr. Pierce is his colleague and soon to be 'business partner' but there are certain social conventions that he has not met in order to fully gain the trust of the man.
"Sir, I understand what you're saying but I'm still confused, what does that have to do with me?" Did he want her to be a part of the take down? Why couldn't all the other men do that?
"The Costas, Emilio and his wife, will be embarking on a holiday soon, which I will explain the details to you, and you will serve to accompany agent Pierce, as his female companion," seeing her grimace he continued, "we need an agent, not an inexperienced female."
"But why a female is needed?"
"Because in order to gain the trust of Emilio he has to appear to be a normal young man with social interests and soon to be industrious businessman. One with enough ties,"he explained, "We need the appearance of him having you as his companion, it may also serve to take some of the attention away from Pierce as you will become friends with the woman and gain her trust. If she's a weak link, she may jus confide in you and then we press her for information. It is my belief she knows what is going on."
"But sir, I don't think I'm the person for this job, I don't know how to be a social, trophy wife or girl or whatever, look at me!" Emily whined.
Narrowing his eyes at her he spoke, "Miss Kayden, I am looking an I see the perfect female for the job, you may just have to make a few adjustments vacation worthy, and I'm sure you'll get along just fine with Mr. Pierce," he said with a knowing smirk which he quickly hid.

Emily studied the man before her, whom she knew as her boss for all these years, he'd always been good to her, but that knowing glint in his eye and the smirk which she almost missed, had her feeling not too confident about this job.
"I don't know sir...Please let me think about it."
"I need an answer by tomorrow Emily, we need to start working on this."
With her mind spinning she nodded and asked permission to leave.

"Emily, please don't make me have to ask Banks on this," referring to one of her colleagues, strong, fearless and about as subtle as a heavy slab of granite.

"She won't be able to handle such a mission, we've worked too hard on this, I need my most experienced female there, I know you're strong yet delicate and can handle whatever's thrown at you," he pleaded.
Emily stood at the doorway slightly surprised. Quickly recovering she willed her legs to move and keep a straight face, not showing the nervousness her insides portrayed. She'd never seen her boss seem so desperate or so deflated. He usually demanded but he was here pleading with her to take this job, it must be important to him, but her insides cowered at the thought of getting involved with such a notorious drug dealer and such inhumane crimes, human trafficking, murders and kidnapping. All which now started falling into place in her head, the crimes in the previous few years, there were many unsolved, many girls never returned home, these criminals were the finest in their category, able to cover their tracks exceptionally well.
Packing up her stuff, she left work, calling it a day, the files on her desk would wait until tomorrow, right now she needed to clear her head and think


And that's chapter 1! What do you think of the mission and our female lead? First impressions? Think she'd be suited for the job? If you like the start of the story please comment, vote, share !

Miss Melody. 

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