7; Pep Talk

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I need to give myself a pep talk so I'm going to do it right here, right now...


Sometimes life will get you down, and you really just don't know how to fix it all.

You lose your friends...

You lose your favorite lucky charm...

You loose yourself...

But there's no point in searching for yourself. You aren't lost at all. You are still you, you have just changed.

But you have to ask yourself,

Did I change in a good way or a bad way?

But you honestly won't know until you look back on your life, and think it through.

You will feel alone, but everyone on this account is here for you, and if you message us, someone will reply.

You are loved...
You are needed...
You are wanted...
You are worth it.

You matter, we all matter. All lives matter.

You are beautiful,
You are kind,
You are perfect as long as you stay true to yourself.

You can follow your dreams,
You can do anything if you try hard enough.

Just be you. And remember that things will change, and you just have to accept it and smile through it.

xxx Autumn xxx

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