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Emily's pov

3 months later

"I am telling you! Dylan is definitely hiding something from me!" Mahogany said with irritation clear in her voice. "I'm sure he isn't hiding anything Lox. For the last time, seriously, what has gotten into you?" I eye her with a puzzled look as we're both walking towards our class. She sighs and whimpers. "I can feel it. What do I do?" She asked. "Well maybe just let him tell you everything, if there is something he has to say" I advise her. Seems like there's problems in paradise. Everything had been going smoothly with life so far until, last month, things kind of started to seem a little off. Mahogany and Dylan were in a phase where God knows what was happening, Nash was barely talking to anyone in the group anymore except from Matt and Taylor sometimes, Cameron acted weirder than ever and I couldn't help but feel a little out of place with all of these things happening.

In all honesty, I had begun to have suspicions if Cameron was once again hiding something from me, but I tried my hardest to push these thoughts away since they would definitely lead to no good. I kept reminding myself that maybe I only got those suspicions just because everything was getting messy in the group and I was trying to figure out why. But that didn't add up since, if Cameron was really hiding something, how could it affect the whole group.

Cameron and I had been great, we were close and he had my full trust. He was fine again and had removed the cast from his arm as well. You would think that everything would feel normal again but it was far from that.

"Just forget about it okay? Everything is fine, I'm sure" I reassured  her as we walked in the classroom. Once we stepped inside, I quickly spotted Matthew sitting by himself far in the back of the room. I walked towards him and sat to the desk next to him. He kept fiddling with his fingers, his eyebrows were knitted together and he kept on butting his bottom lip nervously. That was a habit of his.

"You okay there" I asked placing my elbow on my desk and resting my chin against my palm. He looked up towards me and shook his thought away, giving me a small smile. "Good, thanks" he nodded reassuringly. "You sure?" I gave him another concerned look and he nodded his head again.

Matthew's pov
(that's unusual lol)

She sat next to me, with a concerned look crossing her face. She asked me if I was okay but I couldn't tell her the truth. I knew if I were to tell her everything, it would hurt a lot more. So lying is what everyone has been doing to get away from the situation. What situation? The big secrete Cameron has asked all of us to keep from Emily.


"Guys there's something I need to tell you" Cameron said, clearing his voice. He had a serious look on his face so all of us knew it was important. We paused the video game that we were currently playing and fixed all our attention towards him. He took a deep breath and pressed his lips together.

"I'm leaving" he announced and all of us froze to our seats, not exactly understanding the meaning of his words. He was leaving? To go where? "What are you talking about?" Nash asked confused. "I'm moving. I... I'm going to New York. My dad said that he wants us to be closer so me and my mom are going to move there." He said, avoiding eye contact with anyone. "That's.... That's good for you. You're going to be close with your father again" Taylor said, trying to be supportive but we all knew he was nothin close to happy about Cameron's decision.

"So you're just going to leave? When?" Nash asked, you could easily tell by the tone of his voice that he was really pissed. "By the end of this month I believe." He explained, fiddling with his thumbs. "Oh man, we're really going to miss you" Carter sighed as he patted Cam on the back. "Did you tell Emily?" Dylan asked and he looked at him with guilt in his eyes, as he shook his head no. "I can't. And I won't. It will crush her" he let out a sigh. We all knew he was right. "What are you going to do then?" I asked and he stayed silent for a second. "She won't know anything until she has to." He stated.

It was very hard for me to keep such thing from her. I knew for a fact that if she found out she was going to be devastated, but would also never talk to me or anyone of the guys that knew for that matter. I can't risk it, I can't lose her.

"Earth to Matthew" Emily waved her hand in front of my face. I looked up to her. "You spaced out" she lets out a small giggle. I shake my thought away, trying not to bother myself with this right now. But how could I not?

"Are you sure you're fine Matt?" She dragged her chair closer to me and placed her hand on mine. She was so precious, why does she have to always get hurt. "I'm going to be. Are you going to be fine though?" I muffled my words, talking more to myself. "What are you talking about?" She looked at me puzzled. I just pulled her in a side hug and kisses her hair lightly. Why did she have to go through this?

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