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Emily's pov

It was almost 12.00, I was supposed to meet Cameron again tonight. I really enjoyed our late night conversations, our jokes and generally the time we spent together, sitting on the roof of his house.

I was about to leave for his house next door. Before I would leave, I looked out my window, only to see the lights in his room turned off and he was nowhere to be seen. I thought he might just be downstairs, so I grabbed my phone and went downstairs and out the door.

I ran up his porch, but could see any light in the house. His car was also missing from the driveway. I was a little confused as to where he could be so late, and I was certain he had suggested me going over to his house tonight.

I decided to give it a try and knock on his door. After a few minutes I saw a light turn on in the hallway and shortly after the door opened. It wasn't Cameron though, it was a middle aged woman who I assumed was his mom. I instantly felt terrible and frightened. I had just woken her up in the middle of the night, and I had no explanation.

"Hello honey, do you need something?" she smiled kindly, lifting a weight from my shoulders and making me feel a little bit more calm. "I'm really sorry for waking you up so late. I'm Emily, I live next door. I was wondering if I could speak to Cameron for a second, if he's not sleeping. It's quite important" I explained, with an apologetic look on my face. "Its okay sweetheart. Nice to meet you by the way, I'm Scarlet" she smiled, holding her hand our for me to shake, which I did.

"Oh, and I'm sorry. Cameron isn't here " she said. "Oh..." I trailed off. "Well thank you so much, and sorry for disturbing you so late. Goodnight" I smiled politely and so did she. "Goodnight dear" she said and slowly closed the door. I went back to my house and sad on the couch of my living room in the dark.

"Where could he be...?" I said to myself sighing. I laid down on the couch and before I could realise it, I was asleep.

[next morning]

"Honey, wake up. You have school" I heard my mother's voice whispers softly. I opened my eyes and looked around. "What time is it?" I asked lazily, rubbing my eyes. "Its 8.00 shouldn't you be getting ready? And why did you sleep on the couch?" she asked. "Um... Last night I wanted to watch TV but ended up falling asleep" I came up with an excuse quickly enough.

"Okay, well I'm leaving. Do you have a way to go to school?" she asked and I nodded. I hope Cameron won't forget about it. School didn't start until nine, but Cameron had told me he would pick my up by 8:30 so I only had half an hour to get ready.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower, then did my usual morning routine and went to get dressed. I put on a pair of black jeans along with a light pink crop top that showed very little of my stomach. I then slipped on my black converse. I applied a little bit of makeup, just to look presentable enough and tied my hair up in a high ponytail.

By the time I was ready, it was 8:30, so I expected Cameron to show up any minute. I grabbed my bag and threw it over my shoulder, while walking outside and sitting on the steps of my porch. I glanced towards cameron's house and noticed his car wasn't at the driveway which could only mean he had left without me, just great. I sat for a while, debating on what should I do.

I finally decided to walk to school. It was pretty far from home, we had passed by when me and Mahogany went to the mall. I thought of calling her, but I realised shoe would probably be at school already. I walked for what felt like hours. Once I actually arrived at school, I realised it was 9:15. First day of school and I was late to class. Could this day go any better?

I ran inside the school doors, walking all alone in the hallways in a fast pace. I pulled my schedule out of my bag and walked towards room 105 and my first class, Biology. Once I found the room I knocked lightly on the door nd twisted the knob. When I stepped inside, all eyes were on me.

"You must be Ms. Thomas" the teacher eyed me up and down. "Sorry I'm late, an issue occurred and I-" I started to explain but she cut me off. "You don't have to explain yourself, since you are new here you're forgiven, but make sure it won't happen again" she smiled and I nodded. "You can sit wherever you'd like" she added and I quickly walked towards the back of the class and to an empty desk.

I noticed Matthew, who I had met a few days ago, sitting in front of me. "Hello there, Ms. Always late" he chuckle turning back and smiling at me. I laughed and said "Hi" back.

He stood up quickly an sat on the seat beside be. "Mr. Espinosa, is there a reason you changed seat?" the teacher asked glaring towards us. "Yes Mrs. Lawrence, I was actually trying to make their girl right here more comfortable and relaxed since its her first day at this new school and she seemed a little stressed" He stood up explaining. "Alright, but I don't want you two talking during class" she pointed a finger and tired back, writing something on the board.

Matthew say back down and smirked at me. "Not bad" I silently laughed and so did he. The rest of the time consisted of us talking, the teacher could hear us. We agreed on taking lunch together today, and I was actually very grateful he was there for me and made me feel more relaxed. He was actually very fun and interesting, let alone the fact he was extremely cute...

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