"I heard you were stashing meds.
Is that true?" Leshean said to Grover as him and the rest of the guys cornered him. "Violet." Grover muttered. "Yeah, she was worried." said Diesel. "So are we." added Noodle to the conversation.

"Your sister was worried too." Nik heard the voice of her brother say as she turned a corner to see the guys with Grover up against the wall. "She just went off the deep end on all of us." Diesel continued. "Said we was gonna die." added Leshean.
"Wait, she did?" Nik heard Grover asked concerned. "Yeah, she did." Nik said walking over to the boys. "What aren't you telling us?" she asked lightly as Diesel continued to look at him threateningly. "There's nothing.
We're all good here." Grover tried to reason with an angry Diesel who was scareing her a little bit. Noodle noticed and moved over by her. "Bullcrap." Leshean said hitting the locker beside Grovers head with his baseball bat making Nik flinch into Noodles arm. "What are you hiding?" he asked with a snarl. "Leshean stop!" Nik yelled at him and he glanced over at her. "What are you gonna do about it?" he asked absentmindedly waving the bat around nearly hitting her in the head. "Hey!" Noodle yelled at his ex best friend. They started arguing back and forth and shoving each other while Diesel and Grover did the same. "Stop!" Nik yelled standing in between Noodle and Leshaen. Leshean glared at her and shoved her against a locker hard. What happened next felt like slow motion. Noodles fist collided with the side of Lesheans face and he fell to the ground. Diesel shoved Grover into a locker too before walking away. "Are you ok?" Noodle asked kneeling in front of where she sat on the floor with her back to a set of lockers.

"I don't know what happened.
I knew every note before. Grover, what's happening?" Mary said as she put down her violin. "You can't tell them about this.
They're gonna want to lock me up." she continued scared.

Nik walked down the hallway past the music room when she heard voices. "I'm not gonna tell any of the others, but, Mary, they're starting to ask questions, and I can't do anything about it" She looked in the tiny window on the side of the door and gasped at the look of Mary. Grover was trying to calm her down. "Well, then stall! You have to tell that Tell them that I'm resting. Buy us time, please." Mary pleaded with her brother.
"Please." she repeated. "Okay.
But don't move." he said and turned towards the door to see a small glimpse of Nik before She made a break for it. "Wait, Hey!"  she heard Grover call from behind her but she kept runnin until she felt a hand on her arm. She turned to him. "Grover, what was that?" she asked and he sighed running his hands through his hair. He didn't answer. "Grover" she said harshly. "She's changing isn't she?" she asked and Grover scoffed. "What are you talking about?" he asked. "Cut the crap, I know about the bite. So does Noodle. Now answer. She's changing isn't she?" Grover sighed before nodding.

"He's been in there for, like, an hour." Natalie said as they all stood outside the nurses office where Mary was staying after her attack on Barrett who everyone was about ready to attack anyway. "If you ask me, he shouldn't even come out." Zoey said rudely. "No one asked you." Nik growled in annoyance and started towards Zoey only to be stopped by Noodle who pulled her back. "Hey, hey, easy" he said as the others continued on with their conversation. "If she can get sick from freaks, that means we can get sick from her."Zoey continued eyeing Nik rudely. "I say we lock her up and save the whole pack." Leshean added and Nik glared at her brother. "She's right." "It's not safe." others aggreed. "What, like she's some animal? She's still a human being, just like Addie was, just like all of them were." Natalie said. "She's no threat to us."
"Even if she turns, she" Violet started but was interrupted by Barrett. "You mean when.
When she turns", "Mary can't leave that room."Violet finished.
"Look, I hate to admit it, but he's right." Diesel said. "I mean, look at her." he finished. "She's a threat to all of us." Barrett said.
"Not to Grover."Violet said. "Grover will do anything he can to save her." Barrett added.
"That's exactly why we can't trust him." Zoey countered. "Dude, at least he cares about her." Noodle said with Nik still in his arms.
"Which is exactly why we should trust him." Nik said like it was obvious. "Then why didn't he tell us about her? Why did he hide her from us?" Barrett asked. "Because I have a sinking feeling we're gonna figure that out the hard way."

"Say something." Grover said to Mary. "Kill me."

"Anyone want some more peas?" Natalie asked placing a can in the middle of the lunch table everyone was sitting at. "Grover come down yet?" Nik heard someone ask then a harsh reply of  "What do you think?" "He knows we're pissed at him." she heard Diesel say then Natalie "Rightfully so."
"This isn't easy for him either." Nik finally spoke up from her seat next to Noodle.
"This isn't easy for any of us." she was replied with.

"You should come eat." Nik said to Grover but he didn't reply.
"I did everything that I could.
There's just too many of 'em." he sighed staring at Mary.
"This is not your fault." Nik said softly. "Let her sleep, Grover.
Come down and eat." Nik said again grabbing him by the arm and pulling him out of the room.

"I can't stop thinking about her.
About Addie." Natalie said to Nik.
"Doesn't feel real." she replied as they cleaned up the lunch room when everyone left. "I can almost hear her voice. She had so much trust in me. And I let her down." she said looking down.
"No negative thinking. That's what coach said. It's like that quote. "When you're going through hell, just keep going.
" I don't think we have a choice.
We should probably get some sleep." Nik said and they walked out of the empty lunch room.

We're Gonna Die In Here || Noodle Nelson **BEING REWRITTEN EVENTUALLY** Where stories live. Discover now