Chapter 5 ♦️ Deadly Company (Pt.2)

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He was just patrolling the area, but when his eyes landed on the glinting object stuck in the ground, he quickly looked up from it and carefully scanned his surroundings once more. He didn't see anyone in sight or any signs that someone was there recently.

All the man had was a mustache and a receding hairline. He turned to see his crew who had gathered around with weapons. Christine initially thought these people injured the beast but quickly learned they weren't the first to harm the Mystic Flight. The rods that Christine found deep in the dragon's body were lances, not just a rod or spears, but weapons that emanated mysterious energy. The weapon that the people here were getting ready with was a side sword, just as long and sharp, and perhaps they planned to conquer the beast with it before transporting it somehow.

The man who walked past Adan and Pisa ignored the dragon. His eyes instead were fixated on the sword deep in the ground, and he grinned when he neared it, bending at his knees to take a closer look at it.

He didn't seem to know who owned the weapon, and when he leaned forward to reach for it, Christine pinned her eyes on it. She sent a wave of energy to her sword, reigniting its responsiveness. And when the man's hand made contact after Christine kindled the protection of the weapon, he yapped from the shockwave of pain sent throughout his body.

Now he knew to whom it belonged and wouldn't be surprised to find the mage around because of it. The enemy simmered a grin a few moments after composing back from the agonizing energy.

Christine saw the man taking a step forward, frightening Pisa when he turned. And right when Adan realized her fear, his face twisted in anguish.


A dead branch snapped in two when Pisa tried to move closer to a nearby tree, causing the man's attention to harden and show another mischievous smirk. Pisa's eyes showed panic, and she immediately backed away with a frantic gasp. Her heart was drumming hard inside her chest, reverberating in her ears.

The man eyed the moving blades of grass. He ignored Christine's sword, watching the shrubbery around the tree.

Pisa was overwhelmed by the sight of the monstrous beast and the man coming to get her. He reached to grab her by the neck-making Pisa hit her back hard against the tree. She covered her mouth, attempting to stop a yelp from leaving her lips.

Adan watched the situation unfold, remaining hidden from the individual. He heard Pisa shriek when the man grasped her tight by the arm, tugging her while she landed physical hits on him.

     "No...don't!" Pisa shouted. Her shoulder got tugged hard. She tried to maneuver his hand to unlatch her arm to no avail. His grip was firm, really tight. "Let go!"

Although Adan knew it would be best to make himself known, he knew deep inside that Pisa was capable of escaping the man. She'd always been able to hold her own. Christine had trained the two, and Pisa was the harshest to receive physical strength training because she didn't have an elemental power. The mage had taught her well, but to Christine, even someone else's strength may be too powerful to overcome.

Pisa's eyes burned, she had a solid broad base, trying to resist his pulling, doing her best to get his hands off her. The man was taking her towards his crew as she struggled. The girl stomped hard on his foot and pushed her head back to try to hit his chin, but he was tall. Pisa struck hard into his abdomen with her left elbow, making him bend at the shock of pain, still not letting go of her right arm. Instead, he gripped her even tighter.

     "Shut your mouth!" her captor switched his grip, slid towards her wrist, and straight onto her fingers. Pisa screamed in pain when he put pressure on her hand. Her bones cracked loudly, and she just knew that something in her right hand got displaced. The pain was blinding.

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