Chapter 9

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A/N: How was everyone's weekend? Here in Aus, school just began and thankfully I don't need to worry about that anymore but I wish every student the best :)

Diyosa xx

"Can you not?" Derek snatched his hand away from Stiles' hands and returned to reading through Stiles' school paper which was conveniently helpful in their situation.

"I'm actually bored. Can I go to sleep?" Stiles had rested against the bed next to Derek on the floor. The bed was right there, he thought, if he could just slowly climb up... "Don't even think about it. I still need you to clarify some things on here,"

"Can't we do it in the morning? I mean, what do you expect me to do in the mean time?"

"Not play with my hand. Now, shut up and let me read," He huffed and stared intently at the printed black ink. A few moments went by in silence but it was too long for Stiles' to not do something. All he could do without getting yelled at was sit there and probably fiddle on his phone but even that became too boring. Stiles was tired despite the fact that he had pulled all-nighters using only energy drinks - ENERGY DRINKS.

"Do you really need me to stay awake until you finish this?"

"Yes, Stiles," He highlighted a phrase then flipped over the page. He had 3 pages left, this could take a while. Stiles then pushed himself up and quietly made his way to his kitchen to find a few unopened energy drinks along with an unfinished one. He shrugged and took it all and started gulping down the half empty can.

"Okay, clarifying things officially. Hit me up."

"I don't think drinking that may is wise,"

"Don't tell me what to do. If you need me awake, this is how I'm going to stay awake," With a sigh, Derek went back to the first page and Stiles found that a number of lines were highlighted and he almost regretted snapping at Derek if it wasn't for the sugar rush he dove into.

"Stiles! Wake up," Derek nudged Stiles' head off his shoulder but he wouldn't have any of it and just placed his head back on a not so comfy shoulder of Derek Hale. "Stiles, I swear to God..."

He mumbled a few words but continued to snore softly. Great, Derek thought, this is great.

He fished for his phone that hid underneath the papers of the high school report to check the time, "Jesus...Stiles, come on!" Derek nudged Stiles' head off his shoulder harshly and collected the papers next to him.

"Wha - Why! Why do you need to wake me up all the time?" Stiles rubbed his eyes and yawned then stretched slowly and Derek couldn't help but watch his slow and tired movements before Stiles had rubbed through his hair which snapped him back to reality.

"You fell asleep on me, literally. Look we only have one more page and then I'll give you the day off,"

"You're saying that like I work for you." Stiles yawned again and climbed up on his bed with the crumpled papers in his hand, "Okay, where was I....Um...why did you highlight this? I put it in pretty simple terms and - what - why is this highlighted?" Stiles pointed to a couple lines and Derek just rolled his eyes at him then stood up to stretch his legs.

"Just...what does it mean, 'keeping a spirit...'?"

"Literally what it means...a Shaman can literally hold, devour or absorb a soul. Do you even read? I'm done, so just text me whatever you need to know and I'll reply when I can or if I'm bothered," Derek shot a glare but Stiles just took off his shoes to climb under his blanket, "Dude, don't wake me up until you absolutely, positively need me. Goodnight."

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