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When me and Sophia returned to camp there were walkers everywhere, I saw Carol crying over Ed and Andrea crying over Amy.

"Stay with me." I told Sophia, and started taking down walkers with my hunting knife.

After all the walkers were taken care of I walked Sophia over to her mom.

"Thank you so much." Carol said to me as she hugged Sophia, I nodded to her.

"Where's Jade?" I heard Daryl's voice ask, I turned to see him and Glenn looking around.

I ran over to them and hugged Daryl first, I tried not to take notice of the fact that Merle wasn't with them. I hugged Glenn.

"Thank god your okay Greenie." He said as he hugged me back, after we broke from the hug I stood by Daryl.

He looked down at me and I looked up at him, I realized he had blue eyes like me. I have my mom's eyes but, what I assume is, my dad's hair.

I felt Daryl's hand turning my hat backwards and snapped out of my thoughts.

"How 'bout ya go down ta the quarry with the rest of the kids." Daryl said to me and I pouted.

"But I ain't a kid." I said with my arms crossed and cheeks puffed out.

"Fine then, help the grown ups work." He said causing me to smirk in victory, I walked over and helped Glenn dig graves.

I hope I never have to dig one of these for Daryl or Merle or Glenn and vice versa, Daryl always says 'nothing can kill a Dixon but a Dixon' but what about a Smith? Anything can kill a Smith.

"What if it were Jade!? Would you rather burn her like a walker or bury her like a human?" I heard Glenn's voice and popped my head out of the finished grave.

"She ain't gonna die! I ain't gonna let it happen!" Daryl yelled back while carrying a body.

"I don't want her to die either Daryl but shit happens!" Glenn yelled back, I saw Daryl finally move the body to in another pile.

I sat in the grave I was digging and pulled my hat down over my eyes. I couldn't help but think about how much time I have left. I could die tomorrow and I wouldn't be able to stop it, no one would. I pulled my knees to my chest and buried my face in the top of my knees.

"Should I be worried that your sitting in a grave?" I heard Glenn question.

"How long do you think I'll last in this world?" I suddenly asked and heard him sighed.

"I didn't mean anything by what I said, me and Daryl are gonna do whatever it takes to keep you safe and alive." I moved my hat and looked up at him.

"Daryl always says that nothing can kill a Dixon but a Dixon, but what about a Smith? Anything can kill a Smith." I stated sadly, I heard him jump into the grave.

"Look at me." He demanded seriously and I did.

"Other than Daryl and Merle your the most like a Dixon here so unless Daryl or Merle decides to kill you then your gonna be alive for along time." He told me seriously, I stood up and hugged him tightly, he gladly returned the hug.

"Why are ye guys huggin' in a grave?" I heard Daryl question and I looked up at him.

"Cause we can." I stated with a smirk, he seem to see right through my act.

"What's wrong?" He asked, I sighed.

"Nothing, it's fine now." I said with a smile, he didn't seem convinced but help me out without another question.

Glenn got himself out.

After everyone was buried we had a funeral. I stayed in the back because I knew deep down that Amy wouldn't last long and I was happy that Ed was dead. We also found out that Jim got bit, Daryl said kill him and I kind of agreed cause he was a danger to the group but it was Jim's decision.

"Ok, we're going to the CDC. Shane, Lori, Carl and I will ride in Shane's jeep. Jade and Daryl will ride in Daryl's truck, everyone else will ride in the RV." Dick instructed, we all got into our respected vehicles and drove off.

"Ya know there's a calendar in the RV." Daryl said suddenly.

"Ohkay?" I said slowly while looking at him.

"Ya said ya were born July 7, right?" He asked and I nodded.

"That's in two days." I looked at him and saw the hint of a smile on his face.

"So, birthdays don't really matter in this world." I said while looking out the window.

"Yer gonna be 18 so I'm gonna let you drive." I looked at him in shock and happiness, I saw everyone stop.

I stepped out and saw Daryl walk to Rick and start talking to him, Rick glanced at me before nodding.

After we left Jim, Daryl decided to let me. We finally made it to the CDC and there were bodies laying everywhere, walkers and army soldiers.

"I don't like the look of this." I told Daryl as we started walking towards the building.

"This a wasteland Rick." Shane said but Rick ignored him and banged on the doors.

I heard groans and moans so I turned around and would have rather seen a couple fucking but I saw a group of walking towards us.

"Walkers!" I exclaimed as I grabbed my hunting knife and stabbed one in the head, others joined me but Rick continued yelling about how the camera moved.

"Your killing us!!" He yelled at the camera, we were about to leave when the doors opened. I was pulled into the building as everyone else entered, I looked up and saw Daryl had ahold of my wrist.

"Any of you bit?" Some middle aged guy asked as he pointed a gun at us, eyeing the bandages on my wrist.

"I'm not bit, just a stupid decision." I said and he nodded.

"What do you want?" He asked Rick.

"A chance." Rick said simply, his voice a little rough from all his yelling.

"That's asking a lot these days." The man said cautiously, he looked at us for a couple minutes before lowering his gun.

"You will all submit a blood test." He stated.

"We can do that." Rick said despuritly.

"Grab your stuff now, once this doors close they don't open again." I didn't like the sound of that but walked back to Daryl's truck anyway.

As I grabbed my backpack I saw an extra crossbow in the back causing me to smirk.

"Hey Daryl?" He grunted in response so I knew he was listening.

"What's with the extra crossbow?" His body stiffened at my question.

"I wanted two." He said.

"Liar." I said but left the subject alone and walked back to the building where we all piled in an elevator.

I was so tired that I leaned against Daryl and started to doze off untell the elevator stopped causing me to bolt up which caused Daryl to chuckle.

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