1st teaser

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Hey , guys so here is the 1st promo or teaser of my upcomming chapter , hope u all enjoy it

Promo 1

Sid - can I have a dance with u ?

Nandini - sure

Manik - how could u nandini ?

Promo 2

Sid - I love u nandini

Nandini - whttt

Promo 3

Cabir - I love u navyaa

Navya - I love u too , cabir

Promo 4

Manik - I hate u nandini

Nandini - how could u manik

Manik - go awayyyy , all girls are same

So guys plz cmnt , becoz I really don't known how to write this promo n all its just that I think there is a need of this soo , I just write it , plz do cmnt give ur feedback

Love, ankita

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