Landrys pov

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Last day of school YES this is the day I finally ask my mom to go to Camp Rock.
I've been leaving clues that I want to go all over the house.
"Hey Land so I saw these fliers around the house." Said my mom.

"Wow wonder how that got there." I said smiling and taking a bite of my sandwich.

My mom smiled "ok sweety if you really want to go you can go." My mom said.

"Really that you so much." I said getting up to give her a hug.

I ran up to my room and got my guitar and got my cloth packed for tomorrow.

I went down stairs to finish eating then I saw what was on tv "Turn it up mom their taking about firth harmony. She then turned it up.

Once it ended a new segment came up about Ricky Garcia.

"Oh it's him." I said annoyed.

The next day

I quickly got out of bed because I'm leaving in 2 hours.
I put this on


The time flew by pretty quick so me and my mom quickly left.

"Yes we're finally here!" I said as I was a sign that said "Camp Rock."

"Ok bye sweety."My mom said as we got my stuff out of the car.

My mom left and I hear a girl say "here let me help you with your stuff."

"Oh thanks."I say as she takes a suit case and asked my name.

"I'm Landry."I said.

"I'm Lauren."The girl said.

We head in our cabin and we we're the first there so we got a chose in with bed.

Two other girls came in and they said there names where Sabrina and Rowan. We had time so they warned me about the three popular girls, Brec,Kira and Bryana.

I went to my the music room and grabbed my guitar I sat down and started playing.

When I was done I heard someone clapping I turn around and see non other the Ricky Garcia😕

"Wow that was amazing."He said.

"Thanks?" I said confused he didn't sound like the mean bad boy everyone says he is.

"Oh come on I'm not the monster everyone thinks I am."He smiled and looked into my eye's.

I chuckled and then said "maybe your not."

"Hey I'm going to go for a walk on the beach wanna come."He asked.

"Yeah but can we stop by my cabin to put my guitar away."I asked.

"No need."He smiled.

"What."I giggled.

"You'll see."He grabbed my guitar and then my hand and we walked to the beach behind the camp.
He started playing.

"Wow that's amazing why haven't you played anything like this before."I asked.

"I'm not aloud to play any of my stuff...only what Hollywood record's wants us to play."He said then his phone rang. "Oh I guess I need to go perform for the camp wanna come."he asked.

I freakin hate Hollywood records😡


"Yeah sure."I said and he helped me up.
We walked to the camp and then got stopped.

"Hi I'm Brec I love your music."Said the girl.

"Thanks?"Ricky questioned and continued to walk and I followed.

"Wait where are you guy's going."Asked Brec.

"Oh I'm going to preform for the camp."Ricky said.

"Cool can I walk with you guys there."Asked Brec.

"Sure."Me and Ricky said slightly annoyed.
She kept talking about how she and Ricky would be perfect together eventually I just zoned out.

We finally arrived and Ricky said "I have to get on stage you two enjoy."

"Ok bye."Me and Brec said.

Once Ricky was on stage Brec said "listen you keep your hands off Ricky or else."

"Or else what."I said crossing my arms.

"Or else I'll tell everyone your little secret."Brec said.

"What secret."I asked.

"The one about...your wrists"She said.

I stayed quiet.

"Have fun."Brec smiled sassy and walked off to some other girls.
That's when I realised those where the girl's that Lauren,Sabrina and Rowan where warning me about.

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