{ Part 2 }

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I woke up at 7:36, for ready for work, made breakfast, and put my clothes in the dryer.
I was hoping that the person who made that doodle was going to be there at the café. I knew I would have to keep my eye out.

I got to work at 8:27, checked in and started to set up. Coffee opened at the most unusual time ever, 8:45. I had never asked why it opened at this time.

By 10:00 no one had went to the dim corner. I had to leave at 11:30 for class and come back at 2:00. I really hoped that this person was not going to come into the store during my class time.
I got out of class by 1:30 and headed start back to work. Usually I would stop at McDonald's to get something but I wanted to see if there was anything on the table.

I had no idea why I was obsessed with this one little drawing. I calmed down and got back to work. I didn't go to the back because I didn't want to get yelled at by Selena for being somewhere else in the store when I should be behind the counter taking costumers orders.
It's around 6:00 and Selena comes over to me.

"You look tired" Selena said in a soft voice "You should go home and go to sleep."

"Really?" I said in a shocked voice. Selena only did this when she was in a good mood.

"Yes. Go home. Now."

I checked out and put my apron away and grabbed my keys out of the staff room along with my purse. When I was about to walk out of the door I see a man walking out of the dim back room.

I forgot about it.

He was wearing a hat so I couldn't see his face. I had never helped anyone with a hat on so I didn't know what his name was.

I move out of the way so he could leave and I can hear him say "Thanks." in a monotone voice. I go to the dim room and see a cup of coffee with the name "Calvin" on it.

At least I knew his name.

I wrote this last night and saved it lol. Anyways here is the chapter. It's kinda boring but it gets better. Trust me.
{Edit} I thought I published this but idk
P.S. The person above is Kara

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