Chapter 3 - A collection of knives and guns.

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(( Beginning Note: 

by the way I'm trying to make my chapters longer so yeaaah enjoy ! ))

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHAPTER3

(Vanessa's P.O.V)

I sat through my maths class after lunch and sighed. I couldn't get Jason off of my mind, especially after what he'd done. I felt intense jealousy, I wanted to knock Brittany out, and smash her face up so bad that so I'd never see her bitchy smirk again. My thoughts were interrupted by the maths teacher.

"Vanessa? Do you have the answer?" he said, obviously peeved that he'd had to repeat himself, but I hadn't heard him the first time due to my angry thoughts.

"I- Um.. No, Mr. Davids." I hesitated, staring blankly at the board. What did all this mean? I had no idea, I hadn't focussed at all throughout this whole lesson.

"Why not, Miss. Kane? You've been here the whole lesson, just like everyone else, have you not?" he said raising his eyebrows. 

Generally, I was a good student. I knew most the answers, because I listened and took notes. This lesson, however, we were being taught something entirely new and different, and I had no clue how to solve any of the equations on the white board. They looked all fuzzy in my mind. I looked down, playing with my tongue in my mouth, and shrugged. I disliked being singled out, and made the centre of attention. He sighed and shook his head before asking another student the answer. "Correct!" he praised the boy, and glanced at me briefly. I rubbed my temples, feeling dizzy and tired, trying my best to focus on the teacher who'd gone back to explaining the solution. But as he spoke, his words got quieter, he soon became a blur, and slowly everything went black.

"Jason, where are you?" I called into the cold darkness. Suddenly the lights flickered on, and Jason was standing right infront of me with his hood on, smiling darkly."Right here." he replied, brushing his lips against my cheek, making his way down my neck slowly. I closed my eyes, breathing in his wonderful cologne. Lynx Excite.. It smelt so damn good. I opened my eyes, noticing the soft sensation of his warm lips against my skin was gone, and I found myself standing alone in the small, completely dark room again. I frowned in confusion, running my hands along the cold walls, looking for a light switch, when I heard a chuckle. I moved my head quickly to the right of me, where I had heard it. I heard the chuckle again, recognizing the voice. It wasn't Jason, but Brittany. The lights flickered on again and Brittany stood there, a smirk spread accross her face. Her bright blue eyes glowed in the light, and I stood still. "What are you doing here?" I asked, scowling. Her expression stayed the same, as I saw Jason come up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his face on her shoulder. He turned her around, and she giggled as he kissed her lips, wrapping his arms around her lower back and pulling her closer, as the kiss intensified. I gasped, covering my mouth, and Jason glanced at me, smiling one of his beautiful white teethed smiles. He let her go, and came up to me, placing a hand on each shoulder of mine. "Vanessa.." he said quietly. "What!" I said shaking him off, as I felt tears fill my eyes. "Vanessa!" he spoke louder, his hands on my shoulders again. He started to shake me and then I woke up.

"Vanessa?" Mr. Davids said shaking me, then sighing loudly as my eyes opened qucikly. "You fell asleep," he said placing his hands on his hips, "you should be heading off to your next class now."

"Oh, oh my gosh I am so sorry.." I said collecting my books, and rushing out the room to my next class.

(Jason's P.O.V) 

I had to spend a while in detention after school, and then I walked home and let myself in, dropping my bag to the ground. "Hello Jason." my mother said, as she turned around from the t.v with my stepdad. He muted the t.v and then turned to me aswell.

"Sup." I said as I reached the fridge in the kitchen, and took a coca-cola out.

"Your principal called today." my mum said, sighing. I nodded, and then sculled back the can. "Jason this is serious. This is only the second day, and you've already had sexual intercourse with a girl in the bathroom!" my stepdad, Joe, said. I shrugged. My mum stood up and came over to me, with her arms folded. "You have been kicked out of so many high schools, it's not even funny," she said as I sniggered, (See side multi media) "don't even get me started on your police record. I really just want you to graduate, Jason.." she said as she rubbed the bridge of her nose. Joe came up behind her, and backed her up. "She's right. You need to get your act together. We were hoping that Richie would help this time, and that you could actually stick with this school. You need to try harder." he said sternly, a hand on my mothers shoulder.

I rolled my eyes as I licked my lips. "Oh, please, Joe," I said sighing, "you're not my dad. You can't tell me what I should and shouldn't do."

"Jason!" my mother exclaimed, and I chuckled. "Don't speak to Joe ike that! He's supported us for three years now!"

Joe calmed her down, and then sighed. "Go to your room while we think of a suitable punishment." my mum said as she shook her head.

I rolled my eyes and made my way into my bedroom. My bedroom was your average teenage boys room, posters of half naked girls on the walls, clothes here and there, and a tidy collection of many pairs of supras I owned. Something not most teen boys have though, are a collection of knives and guns. See, my dad is in the mafia. My dad used to beat my mother, and last year she left him and our life in Miami, and took me with her and married Joe. Although I didn't like her being beaten, I do miss my dad. I was fifteen at the time. Every so once in a while when he's here in New York, he'll call me and tell me to meet him some where and he gives some money, or whatever. All the guns and knives I own, he's given to me. I did have more pocket knives, but when I got arrested many times, they found them on me and took them away. I also had spray cans in a box in my cupboard, and I'd sneak out pretty often and go tagging wherever. My sign was 'bizzle.' I sat on my bed and wondered how much of the school knew about me and Brittany's little fuck in the bathroom. Mostly though, I wondered if Vanessa knew. I sighed and lay back, playing with my tongue in my mouth, and then grabbed my phone out my pocket and dialled my girlfriend. 

"Hey babe! Oh my gosh, you haven't called in ages!" she said cheerily. It almost made me feel bad about giving her the bad news.

"Hey baby. I gotta tell you something."

"What is it Jason..?"

"I think this realtionship isn't working, us being at different schools and all.."

"What! No, Jason it's fine we'll spend more-"

"I'm sorry baby, but it's over."

She began sobbing into the phone, and I sighed, feeling slightly bad. "I'm sorry."

"My friends warned me about this! Fuck you, Jason McCann!" She exclaimed, before hanging up.

END CHAPTER NOTES: Hey guys so I tried making it more than one page long :) hope this chapter is okay. When I do brackets with see side multi media, it means the picture on the side of the page is what he/she looked like when they did that. But yeah it's pretty self explanatory anyways. So the more likes and comments this gets, the more I'll post. Thanks alot. :) !! )

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