Chapter 1 - Who is he?

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(Vanessa's P.O.V)

I sighed as I tapped my pencil on my desk in English class, my chin held up by the palm of my hands, and my eyes slowly drifting off. Suddenly, I heard the classroom door open and a large man held a boy by his arm at the door. "Hello, Miss Watson. We have a new student for your class. This here, is Jason. Jason McCann." the large man said, still gripping tight to the boy beside him. Hmm Jason McCann. What a sexy name for a clearly sexy boy. He stood there with a hoodie on that went just under his shoulder, with his hood on top of his cap. He had brown hair, from what I could see under his cap, and he had dark brown eyes that were clearly pissed off and sexy eyebrows that confirmed his anger. He had sexy lips, aswell. He wore denim jeans, and black supras. The boy, Jason, moved his arm in a quick hard motion, forcing the man to let him go. "Behave yourself, boy." the man said sternly, "I'll be back to get you after lunch." he finished, after nodding to the teacher and leaving the room.

Jason stood there with his arms folded and scanned the classroom. Everyone was looking at him, including myself, and I noticed the girls in the class were already swooning. He was so hot. Perfect is even an appropriate word. "Okay Jason, go and take a seat over there." Miss Watson said as she pointed towards the seat to the left of the one infront of me. "And take off your hood." she scolded, as he sniggered and removed his hood. "and the cap." she spoke, and he reluctantly took off his cap as he sat at the desk at the front of the class. The girl beside him smiled and said 'hi' quietly, and he just did the 'sup' thing with his eyebrows. He bit his lip, and then turned his neck to face me slowly. He smirked and then turned back around and leaned back in his chair, making himself comfortable. I smiled to myself. He had just smirked at me. Oh my god. I could see his hair now and it was light brown, and was in a scruffy style but he had used a tad of gel. It looked really good, it suited him.

I sat through the forty minutes left teaching session, paying hardly any attention to the lesson. I had a great view of Jason, and every once in a while, when I forced my eyes to pull away from him, I could feel his eyes on me. It made me so excited, I'd get butterflies. At the end of the lesson, the interval bell rang and the class rushed out the door, and I waited for the room to clear before I made my way out. I walked out the class, having no idea where Jason was. "Hey." I heard a husky guys voice say from behind, and I got startled and almost screamed. "Shit," I said turning to see Jason, "you gave me a fright." he smirked. "My bad." he said as he bit his lip. Ugh he was turning me on so bad. He looked at me for several seconds, before the man from before came from behind him. "C'mon Jason, the principal wants to see you again." he said and then looked at me, "stay away from this boy. He's trouble.." he said to me, and Jason smirked and went with the man to the office as I stood there confused. What did he mean, 'trouble'? I didn't even care really. I just wanted to see him again.

-------------------------------------------------(was chapter 2)

(Jason's P.O.V)

 First day of a new high school, probably about the tenth one in the last six months. I have a habit of getting kicked out of schools, for starting fights, getting caught smoking cigarettes or joints in the bathroom or out on the field, and for ignoring teachers, and being defiant towards their bullshit commands. So far, I haven't done much wrong here, yet, but the principal knows my background so he insists on checking up on me. The day wasn't all bad, though, because there's a sexy girl in my English class. My first class of the day. She has bright green eyes, and toned brownish blonde hair. She's slim and has a beautiful body and face. She looked at me a lot, and I admit, I couldn't help but look at her as well. I might tap that. We'll see. I'm getting bored of my current girlfriend, anyway. Besides, my girlfriend is at my old school. Wonder how long it'll be before I get kicked out of this school?

 (Vanessa's P.O.V)

 Tuesday morning, and I'm up and ready for another long day at a boring school. I walked down the road and entered the school gates. I said hi to a few friends and caught up with them, then when the bell went, I made my way to my English class and sighed as I sat at my desk.

I watched everyone enter quietly as Miss Watsons observed and nodded 'hello' to each one. One thing I did happen to notice, though, was that Jason wasn't in class. Maybe he was ditching? Damn, I would've liked to have seen that face enter the class. We have a five to ten minute 'curfew' in which we must be back into class by, otherwise we get detention. As Miss Watson began roll call, I saw Jason enter the room slyly. "Jason McCann?" Miss Watson asked, clearly not knowing his appearance at the door. "Yup." He said casually, making his way to his desk. She narrowed her eyes. "Excuse me?" she said, then looked at her watch. "Did you realise you're eleven minutes late, Mr.McCann?"

"Nope." He replied, slicking back his hair. Damn.. "You say, 'no sorry Miss Watson' thank you very much." She said, surprised by his nonchalance. He blinked as he looked at her and said nothing. She shook her head in frustration, and then handed him a red card. "Your detention slip. Interval and lunch time, to the office room." She said as she walked back to her desk and continued the roll. He didn't care the least bit. Everyone in the room was surprised my Jason, and they all seemed to like him too.

As the interval bell rang an hour and a half later, I watched people flock to Jason. He didn't care, he moved through them and over to me. "Hey." He said in a husky voice that made me melt inside. "Oh uh hey." I said, smiling up at him. He was at least a few inches taller than me. I looked down at his red card in his hand. "Hmm detention sucks.." I said as we walked down the hall. He shrugged. "Are you going? Its back that way.." I said pointing behind us. "Nah." He replied, and threw the red card into the bin, and stared at some of the posters on the wall above the bin. I laughed and walked towards my locker. "Where are you going?" he asked coming up behind me as I reached my locker. He held my waist and I could feel his warm breath on my neck. I would've ripped his clothes off right then and there if some bitch from class hadn't came and ruined the moment. "Hey, Jason.." she flirted, as she twirled her hair around her index finger. She looked at me as if I were trying to steal her food, aka Jason. "What's up?" he asked after slowly removing his hands from my waist. I opened up my locker and put my books away then checked my phone. My friends were trying to find me. "I'm very sorry, clearly, that I have to leave this little get together.. but I have to see some people." I smiled fakely at the bitch, who's name ironically, was Brittany. I played with my tongue in my mouth and then said "Seeya Jason." Then I walked off. "I'll see you at lunch time, then?" he called after me. I turned and nodded with a smile, and Brittany had her mouth wide open. Close that mouth, honey, you'll catch flies, I thought as I walked off happily.

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