Chapter 2 - "I fucked a girl in the toilets."

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(Jason's P.O.V)

"So, um, are you and Vanessa, like, a thing now?" the sexy blonde girl asked me. "Uh, no.." I said, distracted, trying to watch Vanessa down the hall. The girl got in my way. "Oh," she said perking up, "I'm Brittany." she batted her eyelashes and bit her lip. She was hot, definately, but I was set on Vanessa. See, I make girls think they're important, fuck them, and move on without caring about their broken little hearts. If things don't go well with Vanessa, this new girl will have to do. "I'm Jason." I said smiling. I liked this girl's eyes, they were bright blue. Like icey blue. But at this point I was hanging out for a cigarette, real bad. "Hey I gotta go." I said, as I watched her deflate. "Oh.. why, where are you going?" she asked me. She was quite short, but I found that cute. "I'm gonna go have a smoke." I replied biting the inside of my lip. "We're not allowed to do that here.." she said looking down, and then back up with confidence. "But can I join you?" she said hopefully. What harm could that do? Whatever. "Yeah okay." I replied walking down the hall as she followed close behind. 

(Vanessa's P.O.V)

It was lunch time, and I sat at the table with my friends, no sign of Jason anywhere. A while later, I watched him walk in with Brittany. Seriously? All the girls in the cafateria looked up at Jason, man, the whole school thought he was sexy. Even the guys looked up, probably just wondering what everyone was looking at. But wow, Brittany looked like she had just won the lottery. Her smile was so wide, it went from the left side of the room to the right. She searched the room for her friends, and quickly found them and started giggling and gossiping. I couldn't help but wonder what had happened.. Jason stood there and scanned the room and then his eyes stopped on me and he smiled. "Oh my god, Jason McCann is so totally smiling at you." my friend Leah said, as she tried not to look obvious. "Uh, yeah I know.. He's been talking to me alot." I said, staring at him. "How do you guys know him?" I asked them. Leah smiled. "He's in my science class." 

"And he's in my math class." my other friend, Tay said. "Oh, he's in my English class." I said nodding. "Well, basically the whole school knows him now and likes him. Crazy. I haven't even talked to him yet.." Leah said, sighing. I looked over at him again, and he was talking to a few guys, leaning on the wall and he was laughing. Moments later, he did that guy hand thing, and made his way over to me. "He's coming oh my god.." Tay said looking down. He came and sat beside me and smiled. "Hey girls." he said smiling. "Hey." I replied, returning the smile. I already felt comfortable around him, where's my friends were still at the awkward swooning stage. I bit back a laugh.

We sat there for about half an hour just talking, and I watched my two friends flirting their heads off. God they were embarrassing. I saw Jason look up at the door as he watched that same guy who had brought him to class, and told me to keep away, walk in and towards him. "Shit shit shit.." Jason said trying to look away. "Who is that guy?" I asked him. "He's my counselor.." he replied biting his lip and looking up as he reached the table. "Hello Jason." he said looking down at him. "Hey." he replied cooly. "Stand up please and come with me?" the counselor asked, as Jason rolled his eyes in my direction. I bit back a smile. His counselor took him outside the cafateria and I could see them through the doors. His counselor asked him questions and Jason kept his arms folded and shook his head each time. Then he started saying something, I don't know what, but he then searched Jason's pockets, and found nothing. He said something else, and Jason was looking down biting his thumb. He took him away down the hall and then he was out of sight. "What just happened?" Leah asked trying to see him through the windows of the doors. "I don't know." I said, as I brushed back some hair with my fingers. "He must me mega bad ass. He has a councilor." Tay said looking up, as if day dreaming. I laughed, and then another friend of ours came over named Bailey. Well, she wasn't exactly our friend, she was really just a social butterfly who liked to spread the gossip around the school. "Oh my god guys, guess what?!" she said, her mouth agape. She was so excited. "What?" we all asked. "You know Jason, Jason McCann?" she asked us, and we nodded. "About an hour ago, he had sex with Brittany Burns in the bathroom!" she squeaked, bursting out with surprise.

--------------------------------------------------------(was chapter 4)

(Jason's P.O.V)

My faggoty councilor Richie pulled me away from Vanessa so he could do one of his random drug checks. Shit. Even if he found cigarettes he'd be pissed, and tell my parents AGAIN and then they'd make Richie follow me around all day. I put my hands in my pockets when we reached my locker, as the principal went past, then turned on his heel back to face me. "Aah, Jason McCann. Just the man I'm looking for." he said sighing.  I looked around nodding. "For?" I asked, hands still in my pockets.

"Well," he began as he used hand gestures, "there's been a rumour going around the school about you, that I happened to hear about." he said, raising his eyebrows.

I looked down and folded my arms tightly. "What about?" I asked blankly. I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Come with me, and I'll explain." he said as he began leading me to his office Richie beside me.

I looked at Richie, and his expression was deadpan. When we reached his office, he held the door open and we stepped inside, and took our seats in front of his desk. I was hoping like hell it wasn't for smoking cigarettes, though I doubted the whole school would spread that around. I couldn't be the only kid here who did that inconspicuously. I couldn't care less about their knowledge of me fucking some girl in the bathroom, although I knew Richie would tell my parents that, too, and I'd be followed by him. 

"Well Mr.McCann," the principal said as he sat down at his desk, "it is too my knowledge that you and a student here, named Brittany Burns, had a little get together in the bathroom." 

I blinked. "And?" I asked.

"And had sexual intercourse." he pronounced, taking his glasses off and looking at Richie. Richie looked at me incredulously and sighed. "Jason?"

I shrugged, and couldn't help but smile. "What can I say?" I replied grinning. (See side multi-media)

Richie rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I'm really sorry, Mr. Parker. He has a habit of misbehaving." he said scowling at me. I smirked, playing with my hands.

"Your parents will be hearing about this, Jason." Mr. Parker said, disappointedly. I nodded, scartching my cheek. "Now, the rest of today and tomorrow shall go on as per normal for you Jason, because we have an assembly tomorrow I'd like for you to attend. But I'll be phoning your parents tonight and sorting with them and Richie how long of a suspension and punishment you will recieve." he finished, standing up. "The remainder of lunch, can be spent in detention thanks." he said looking at me and then at Richie, who was nodding.

I stood up, followed by Richie and he escorted me out the office, and to the detention room. He sighed loudly. "We'll leave that drug check for tomorrow. I don't want you getting into any more trouble from your parents anyway. If there are drugs in your locker, any alcohol or cigarettes, I do expect them gone by tomorrow, understand?" he said sternly. I did like Richie. He was generally a cool guy, although I wish he would lay off sometimes even though it was his job. I nodded biting the inside of my lip.

He patted me on the back and opened the door, greeting a large teacher who sat at his desk lecturing the other ten or so students in the class about behaviour. "A new boy in detention." The large man said, pointing to a desk near the front. I sat down and nodded absently. "What did you do?" he asked, as the class stared at me. "If you're going to do something unacceptable, share with the class what you did and why you thought it was okay." he said coolly. 

I hesitated for a minute, noticing all eyes on me. I looked around at the unfamiliar faces and licked my lips. The teacher widened his eyes as if waiting for me to blurt it out. "I fucked a girl in the toilets."


(End of chapter Notes)


Okay and other than those 2 important notes, keep voting and commenting and I'll post more. I'll try make the chapters atleast 2 pages long now.  Thanks heaps guys.

The Sexy Trouble Maker {INCOMPLETE}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt