"Hey Bella over here" I heard Ryland hollered as I greeted him smiling. "Ok Ry what's up" I said right to the point. "What no kiss?" He asked joking. I gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "Okay now spill" He paused for a second as he looked at me. Putting his messy hair out of his face. He saw the people around us. So no one could hear. "From that message you sent, I'll  take that as it: it worked?"  "Yes" I responded. He put his hand out for a shake. I gladly took it as he interwhinned our hands, put them up as if ready he is for a harmwrestle match. He put his force making him win. "Ha, finally beat you from our match" Ryland said in victory.

"You guys aren't really dating?" I saw Ryland gaze looking at someone behind me. I turned my gaze to see Rydel standing there waiting for our response. "Delly, we-" I began to start off but she crossed her arms leaning on a tree as if saying "Spill" I take out a breath looking nervously at Ryland. "It's sort of a long story" Ryland said as he nervously scratch his neck. "I got time little bro" Rydel smiled. Ryland looked back at me worry as I nodded. He let out a breath before he began to speak. "It all started after the double date, Bella and I meet up at her house and decided to go to the park just to hangout. Everything was going out great until Lyvia spotted us" Ryland started off as he continued.

*Ryland Pov of the story*

Ryland Pov:

"Hey you lovebirds, just wanted to say hi" Lyvia told us with a smile. I knew it was acting time. So Isabella did her part and when Ross decided us to leave us alone, we began to hangout because Isabella was still having a hard time with Ross still. As we continued to hangout, we thought that we where alone but then Isabella found Ross from the other side. "Your brother is watching us?" Isabella whispered. "I got an idea if you want to go along with it"

That's when I asked her out to be my 'girlfriend'. In one point, both of us thought we had feelings for each other so, we...tried it out for real. That's when I told you that day not to tell Isabella.

"But then..." Isabella took over. "We realize that it wasn't actual feelings. I just felt like that so I could get my mind out of Ross, so we broke up and continue with the plan" Isabella finishes for me.

"Then explained that kiss Isabella gave you" Rydel smiled. "I was just joking about that, I just wanted to see if Bella would fall for it" I could see Bella looked at me as she gasped. "Won't you say we 'Fall back in love'?" I asked her as I laughed. She punch me in the arm playfully.

Isabella Pov:

"Sorry, I didn't told you Delly" I said with guilt on my voice. "I'm sorry too sis" Ryland said. "Its cool, no hard feelings. Ryland you should really be an actor" Rydel suggested. "No I'm good I'm sticking on being the DJ of the family" Ryland told her. We gave each other a group hug. "We're going to tell this to Maria" Rydel said looking at me. "Yeah" I gave out a little  laugh. 


The next day. I saw Ross walking towards me as I was walking. I need my exercise you know. That that volleyball is over for the moment I got to be active one way or another. "Hey, Bella what you up to?" He asked walking with me. "What you think blondie? Keeping active now that volleyball is out for the moment" He chuckled.

"I just came to say that I'm sorry I hadn't believe you about Lyvia" he apologized as I stopped to look at him. "It's fine. I knew I overeacted by kissing you and yelling at you, I shouldn't have done that" I said embarrassed. Ross scratch on the back of his neck nervously. "It's ok I'll kinda admit that day I didn't wanted to admit I have feelings for you, that's why I ran off. After I seen you with my brother I don't know my feelings for Lyvia changed" I smiled as I punch him in the arm playfully.

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