Chapter 13

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*Couple Days Later*

Ryland Pov:

I wasn't doing anything just chilling with mixing songs. What I do best. I heard my phone vibrated as I picked it up.

Isabella- You said to hit you up so wanna hangout?

Me- sure thing Oreo Lover...which reminds me bring Oreos?

Isabella-So you could steal them? way! Meet you at my house

I saw the message as I laughed at the message. I got ready and went to the door. "Mind if I asked you where you're heading in a rush?" I turned around to see Rydel waiting for my answer. I let go of the door knob. "I'm hanging out with Isabella be back in a bit" I explained as I left to Isabella's house.

As I reached to Isabella's house, I knocked on the door. Then she opened it as I went in. "So what's your plans on hanging out?" I asked her. She put her white converse on. "I want a rematch" she said as she sat her foot down the floor. "A rematch, a rematch of what?" I crossed my arms asking innocent of what she was talking about.

"You know what I'm talking about Oreo Stealer" she eyed at me not breaking contact with my gaze. I on the other hand laughed. "Why are you laughing?" She asked. I tried to controlled my laughter but couldn't. "All that for a cookie filling?" She looked at me serious. "Alright" I went to the kitchen. She followed as I put my left arm on the table. I took a seat. "What are you doing?"

"A rematch isn't that what you wanted?" I looked at her. She took a seat in front of me as she put my arm down. "I'm talking about another match" she stood up as she went towards the door grabbing a light jacket and went outside as I closed the door behind me. "But that's the match we did, didn't we? You can't just changed the match" she stopped turning to look at me. "All contraired my good man, you cheated" she continued walking as I followed behind her. "Me, cheating? Not my fault I was hungry" I chuckled not believing where fighting for Oreos. "So I did cheat but I was hungry so what?" I protested.

"You knew they were only mine" I sighed. Remind me not to mess with her Oreos. "Where are you going?" I shouted catching up to her.  "To the park!" She announced.

Rydel Pov:

"Ross everything ok?" I asked him sitting beside him. He looked at me and looked back down strumming on his guitar. "Yeah, infact I wrote" He gave me the paper for me to see. "This song is not that bad" He looked at me. "So it's bad?" He raised an eyebrow grabbing the paper and looked over it. "No, just not bad their good" He smiled as I looked at the paper and at him smiling.

"Everything ok with you and Bella? You haven't talked to her lately. You are best friends" I assure. He left his guitar and his lyrics paper next to him.

"Eh we sort of got into a fight" He stood up from his bed. "I really don't want to talk about it" He admitted facing me. "At least not yet" He finished.

"I understand" I gave an understanding look.

Ross Pov:

Delly and I have been talking about how she will always be there and I'm happy for that. I know she's trying for me to spill what happened between Bella and I. Well, I decided for Bella to tell her first. "So I heard that Ryland went to hang out with her" she stood up straight. "Yeah" All she said. "I just don't understand why she decided to talk to Ry if I try my best to talk to her trying to figure this situation out" I waited for Rydel to talk. Giving me her best advise.

"Why don't you find the time to talk to her. You know just you two?" She suggested. "I tried at school but-" I thought for a second. Maybe I could talk to her at the park? She loves going to the park for some competitions. I saw Ryland with Oreos the other day which I'm assuming want a rematch.

That's what I did when we hang out out in middle school and man how she loves those cookies. "Thanks Delly, I'm going to take a stroll at the park" I said has I left. 

Isabella Pov:

"What are we doing for your  "rematch" Ryland told me as we reached the park. "I'm glad you asked" I said facing him smiling. "For our do over rematch we are going to play little competition of volleyball" He smirked while looking at his surroundings.

"And where are we going to find a ball and a net?" I heading towards the net that's all set up. "And the volleyball?" Ryland asked as I showed him one. "How did you did that?" I grinned as I got into my position. "Got this all set up your ready or what?" He went to the other side of the net. Following my position. "And you expect me to win, I don't even good at this" He shouted.

"That's the point" He glared at me. "You're a little cheater aren't you?" I laughed at his comment. "That's what you get for stealing my Oreos" I shrugged like it's no big deal.

"If I win you got to get me Oreos a brand new bag" I betted. "And if I win? You need to make a song about oreos"

"A song about oreos?" He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know I'm all out of ideas" I smirked beginning the game. "Alright let's begin!" I said as I hit the ball.


"I win" I announced as the match was over. "That's because your good at this game, you know what, I'll take back my deal. Instead I want volleyball lessons" He suggested as I hold the ball. "I could do that" I smiled.

"Hey guys lucky seeing you here" I turned around to see Ross. "Hey brother where just played volleyball wanna join?" Ross faced me. "Um..I is ok if I talk with Bella for a sec?" I nodded as Ryland left us alone.

"What do you want Ross" He let out a breath.

"I know why your mad and you can't ignore me forever" He started but I interrupted him.

"Yes I can you saw me"

"Can't we leave this a side and be friends like we were before" I shook my head.

"We can be friends sure but what we had is done" I turned around and find Ryland. "C'mon Ry you owe me a brand new bag of Oreos! I said cheerfully. "Where done being best friends" I whispered to Ross. Why did I say that? It hurts me. But I also can't be near him if it'll hurt my feelings if my crush is with another girl. I left with Ryland not looking at him.

"Ross you coming?" Ryland asked.

Ross looked at me then at his brother. "No you guys go head I'll see you home" his voice breaking when he said it.

Why do I had to cost another fight instead to forgive the guy? I'll get hurt mentally and I know it.


I FINALLY updated! Sorry I haven't updated it had a writer block but I came with an idea! After today I'm going to start to get organized. So now expect an update for every Friday. Well I hope you enjoy this chapter. As always don't forget to

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And hope you had a spectacular Christmas and New Years! 2017 woooo!!!! Well imma go I'm I start school tomorrow goodnight!❤😴


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