Chapter 2

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Leia's P.O.V

I feel a gentle nudge. I open my eyes and blink a few times. I sit up and Luke sits next to me putting his arm around me.

"Hey, how was your nap?" Luke asks as I rub my eyes

"Okay,"I respond whilst yawning

"Well Mr T wants us in the studio so do you want me to carry you?"

"Nah, I'll walk," I reply, I'm really fat according to Maggie and I believe that now. I didn't before but now I do.

"Okay," He says pulling my hand "Let's go,"


"Alright, So I want to do an improv scene so Maggie pretend to be a bully and Leia you're the victim, action,"

No one's P.O.V

Leia walks into school with a backpack. Maggie walks behind her and pushes her.

"Wow Bitch, Real smooth," Maggie cackles walking off

Leia gets up and keeps walking

"Right what happens inside the classroom, All of you are students except Hannah who's the teacher and Luke who's the new student,"

Leia sits at the far back corner with no company as usual.

"Right class," Hannah starts " We have a new student, This is Luke and you can sit next to Leia," Hannah point over to Leia

"Good," Mr T calls

Luke takes a seat next to Leia and smiles at her

"Hi," He starts

"Hi," She answers

"Now you are after class,"

Leia walks through the halls

"Hi bitch," Maggie says pushing her into a locker, Luke sees this and rushes towards her.

"Are you ok?" He asks helping her up

"Hey you, It's not okay to do that," Luke says

"Cut," Mr T screams

Leia's P.O.V

It felt so real, It felt so real because Maggie's the bully, She's the one who's torturing me.

"That was some great acting Leia," Rachel states

"Yeah, Thanks," I reply warmly smiling back, Leaning my head on Luke's shoulder "Acting," I mumble quietly, Luckily, Luke doesn't hear.

"What was the point of that?" Mr T asks "Nate. What's the point?" He asks

"There's always someone there," He answers

"Thta's right, Even when it seems like your alone, There's always someone there, Luke helped Leia out, He was there when Maggie was bullying her, She wasn't alone, There's always someone there,"


I unlock my door and go up to my bedroom,


'Nice play today, You were a complete bitch as usual'

When will this hate stop?

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