A Not So Long Walk Home

Start from the beginning

“Zurie? Hello? Earth to Zurie.” Alpha was shaking me and waving his hands around, like he was trying to talk to me for a few minutes now.

I pull back immediately. “What do you want?” I ask him rudely.

He sits back a little bit, probably surprised at my tone. “I think you know. Since when are you into Isaac?”

“Isaac? Who are you talking about?” I was playing dumb with him, hopefully he couldn’t tell.

“You know exactly who.” He gets in my face, and it takes everything I have not to inch back, or move at all. “I’m sure he’s told you enough stories about me.”

I wasn’t scared in the sense that he was threatening me, he really wasn’t. But I was confused, what was I supposed to say? “Maybe, I think I had sex with him last night. But other than that I don’t know him.” I looked like I was trying to remember what happened, it looked like he believed me.

He looked kind of pissed. “You guys slept together?”

“Well, I woke up next to him. I was completely naked and he only had his boxers on.” I scratched my head. “It’s majorly confusing, I can’t remember much from last night.”

He didn’t move from his spot closely to me, it seemed like he moved even closer actually. “Well, then you can’t be sure. Just don’t go near him, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Okay? Promise me.”

How could I make a promise when Isaac basically wanted the same thing from me? I didn’t know who to trust, but I wasn’t going to piss Alpha off trying to figure that out right now.  “Sure, can you get off me now?”

He finally looked normal again; I swear he had crazy eyes. He gets his anger under control and just looks at my lips, and back at me. I know that look, and before I can push him away; he kisses me. I feel gross and stupid and icky but I can’t help but kiss him back. His lips are soft as they press against mine, and after a few more second s he finally pulls back. “Yeah, of course.” He walked off towards his room and didn’t say anything else. I didn’t know what to say, or even do. I just stood there until I heard what I thought was the shower starting. I needed to get out of the house, and I also needed answers from Isaac. But I had no way to get in touch with him so I was screwed.

I changed into jeans and a black tank top after I showered, convinced that I could find Isaac if I really put my mind to it. I could ask Alpha, but that would defeat the promise to him. Never mind that I was going behind his back to do exactly that, but the less he knew, the better.

I went outside, to the left, and down a few houses until I recognized where Isaac crossed houses. I walked through until it got unfamiliar; I tried ringing three houses doorbells until I finally found one who would even open the door.

A familiar guy with black hair and the infamous scar answered the door, and boy did he look surprised. “Did Alpha tell you where I lived?” he stepped forward and checked the small porch before dragging me inside.

“No, I’ve been looking for you for about an hour though! You have to tell me what’s going on. Alpha made me promise not to go near you, let alone come over to your house like this. He probably would’ve locked me in the bathroom if he knew I was coming here.”

I was expecting him to laugh or something, but instead he looked pained. By that time I decided to look around the house. I saw a little boy sitting down on the floor and playing with a car; he was off in his own little world and didn’t even look up at me. There was a baby in a pink play pin type thing. From what it looked like she was asleep.

“I’m on babysitting duty. And I’m not sure you want to know what he did. You probably won’t even believe me.” He ran his fingers over his scar, the first time I ever saw him acknowledge it. He looked nervous; his eyes were meeting mine then bouncing to somewhere else behind me.

How I Fell In Lust With My Conceited Half Brother [Sequel To HIFILWMPO]Where stories live. Discover now