The Hazing Ceremony

Start from the beginning

"C'mon lets see what's under that shirt!"

"Yeah Take. It. Off!"

And just like that everybody there was screaming Take it off, take it off, take it off. I sent another fleeting look to Ronnie (who is the sensible mind to our treo) and she was screaming along with everybody else, so I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and slipped my shirt off, (thank god I decided to wear that lace riley's mom got for all of us), and everybody clapped and cheered.

"Now Danny, lay down of the table." He did as she told. "Now Cassie take this shot pour it down his stomach, and pour some on his neck.. Just like that you learn fast, now put that lime in his mouth.. Good." I was nervous as hell, but I made sure to hide it well. Never show emotions, it shows weakness. "Ok now, follow my directions, lick the alcohol off his stomach first, then his neck, and I want you to take that lime from his mouth, slowly, make sure there's some tongue action!"

I did just that, (trying to be sexy, ugh!) I slowly licked my way up his stomach, the kissed his neck before licking there too, and finally I, slowly, lowered my lips to his and kissed the lime from his mouth, and when I spit it out, he pulled me down again letting my lips meet his and that began a full fledged make out session, in front of, everybody.

In the distance I could hear applause, and cheering and whistling, but honestly, when his tongue slipped into my mouth all else, was forgotten.


"Woah." Riley said as I took my seat next to her.

"Couldn't have said it better my self." Ronnie said looking at my neck. "Your mom is going to kill you."

I know this sounds bad, but here me out. After a very.. Fleeting make out session Danny might have gotten a little carried away and given me a hickey and I cannot stress this enough, In front of every-freakin'- body! Now the only thing you'd notice when you'd see me was this big red mark of my light brown skin. I am not going to be able to hide this.

My mother is going to murder me with an axe.


Riley Forbes.

Holy mother fucking shit. Not even an hour into the party and Cassie already has a hickey the size of freaking Texas resting on her neck. I have to say I'm so very proud of her. I never thought she'd get this far without punking out and sitting on the sidelines. Huh. Guess she figured out that doesn't work in high school.

"And for the next part, We need every single one of you little freshies, to strip, butt. naked." Alex said. Probably seeing the hesitation, (or more like the terrified expressions, on us he went on to say. "Quickly, we don't have all night!" And just like that we were stripping.

"Oh no, not you Cassie dear, come on up and stand next to me." Carrie said holding out her hand. "Sweetheart, you've already Proven to us how much you want this." Cassie smiled gratefully moving toward Carrie and taking her hand, while still pulling her shirt back on.

"As for the rest of you, single file lines, girls to the left and males to the right!" Guess its just me and Ronnie. While getting in the lines we both looked at eachother and I knew we were both thinking the same thing.

About how happy we were to see Cassie up there. It means she got in. And hopefully we will too.

"Now! I want you all one by one, to grab the opposite genders hand and go jump in the water where you will wait exactly one minute before coming back to dry land."Alex smirked. "And keep in mind that this water gets ice cold this time of night. If you stay in for that amout of time you will be on the team of your choosing." And just like that it started. One by one we were all stepping into the water stopping when the water came to our necks. Most staying for one minute, some freaking out, crying, and shoving there clothes back on before running out. (both boys and girls!)

When it came time for me I took the hand of Joey Livingston and ran for the water staying in for my full minute and came out laughing and giggling with Joey.

Ronnie was next and she looked determined.


Veronica Waverley.

I did it. We all did it of course. The last few couples after me freaked and ran off, but as for us three we're still out very own clique.

"He good job out there." I heard him before I saw him, but when I finally did I was not disappointed. He was shiftless, of course and he had and amazing body.

"Thanks." I said bashfully. "I mean, well it was kind of embarrassing, because of the, you know. But I mean, well, um.. Thanks." He chuckled, like actually chuckled.

"You're cute when you're nervous, you know that?" His hands were on my waist now and I wasn't stopping him. When his lips met mine, I still didn't complain.

And even when we moved off to some secluded part I still didn't stop him, because I wanted him to like me like I liked him.

He was almost there when someone stopped him. "I suggest you get that.. Thing away from my little sister before I cut it off." That sounded like Connor, and wherever Connor was, Have was close behind.


I quickly scrambled around looking for a shirt to cover my naked Chest, (and the rest of me for that mattert).

"Connor what the hell?" I yelled as Jace dragged Jason away from me.

"What the hell? You were about to have sex with a guy you just met, Ronnie I know your not that stupid!" He spat back.

"I'm not stupid! I know what I'm doing! Jesus fucking Christ, do you guys have to follow me everywhere I go? God, I fucking hate you guys! Let me freaking have my own damn life!" I yelled pulling on the last of my clothing. I looked up to see a flash of hurt swim in his light brown eyes before he replaced it with anger.

"Lets go."

"No. Your not my father Connor, and neither are you jace!" I left them standing there and got a drink, well I guess one drink turned into two and next thing I knew I was waking up in Rileys bed blood staining my underwear and a pounding headache.


I hope you guys enjoyed it!

A:N - The name and cover of this story, both of them are only temporary until I figure out a name that best fits the story. Thank you.

Anywho, how did you guys like it? Was it good?

Give me a little constructive criticism. I would gladly welcome it.

But anyways it it... 4:32 am and I have to get up in a couple of hours.

Good night loves.

- Cece

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