"Okay just let me get changed." I said getting up from my bed

Jackson nodded his head and walked out the door.

I looked in my closet and grabbed a dark green baggy shirt with leggings and put on a pair of converses. I put my hair in a low pony tail, brushed my teeth and walked out the door.

Jackson was leaning against the wall and jump up when he saw me.

"Ready?" He asked me

"I guess." I said

"Not the attitude I'm looking for today," He gave me a look.

I gave him a crooked smile and we started to walk. We walked all the way to the medical bay for another evaluation.

I sat still and looked around the room while Jackson did a bunch of test on me. All of the contestants were in the room but I couldn't see most of them.

I knew my mom was in here but I didn't know where she was nor did I care.

I wonder though if she's nervous for me.

I'm nervous for myself.

I could fight today and loose and that's it's.

Game over.

I'll be back in that shitty cell before I know it and I didn't want to end up back in there.

I want to win so I can get as far away from this place as possible.

I didn't want to be a princess and I certainly didn't want to stay in Alancia. It's not the city I use to love, especially with my uncle as ruler.

Whatever happens today I knew no matter what I couldn't give up, not one single person here is going to take this title away from me.

Not even Aiden.

This was mine to have and mine only.

"Victoria?" Jackson said and I snapped out of my thoughts

"Yeah?" I replied

"I'm done, you're cleared. We have to go to wardrobe now." He said "are you okay?"

"Yeah I was just thinking." I told him

"Listen I know you are probably freaking out but you've been working so hard and I know you can do this."

"Just because I work hard doesn't mean I'm going to win." I sighed "it matters what I do in the ring."

"That's true." He says "but you can't go into the ring unprepared because you'll defiantly lose. That's the point I'm trying to get across, you are ready and yes it does matter what you do in the ring but I know you're not dumb. You want this more than anybody here, you have more to loose. That's why you are ready."

I smiled at his words "do you really think I can do this?"

Jackson scoffed "hell yeah I'm putting all my bets on you. Just don't let people see you at your weakest point. That's how you lose too."

The FighterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ