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My hand is swollen and blue.
The doctor says I have years only few.
But yesterday, my blood came purply pink.
Pain makes me take longer blinks.

And pain when I eat,
Pain when I sleep,
Like pain, unimaginable pain is my only feat.
Pain writhes and runs in my veins deep.

I wish for death
A painless sleep
A peaceful sleep.
When I could finally rest in health.

Have mercy on me,
But don't pity me.
Only grant me a peaceful sleep.
Don't sing or read- it doesn't work! - sleep
Is only, of what I dream.

I've said hi's.
I've said my goodbyes.
I can take life no more
For pain is all it has in store.

Dig me a grave
Oh, please be brave!
Lay a headstone
And some flowers, alone.

Pray I get sleep.
Pray I get rest.
Pray I wake up again somewhere
- A peaceful place with you, I shall live where.

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