Chapter 12

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Hey guys, I don't do authors notes a lot but I thought you might want to hear, err, read this. I'm making a fanfiction review book. I’ve already got the authors note set up in the book, I just need books to review. The requirements are in the book already. I'm only doing Harry Potter and Supernatural fanfictions for now. I will add more fandoms as I get into more. Thanks!

Hermione~ three weeks later

Over the past few weeks, Draco and I had gotten closer. We moved his stuff to my room and slept in the same bed every night, as it calmed his "Veela".

I was walking to dinner when I was dragged into a classroom. I drew my new wand bit before I could do anything, I was disarmed.

Ron stood with a file of pink potion in his hand. Love potion. My heart sank. It wasn't much, it would only last minutes, but I was just as afraid


When Ron advanced on me I tried to run.

"Stupfey!" He yelled.

I froze in place.

"You wouldn't love me. I will make you love me," he said in a crazed tone.

He forced the potion down my throat. I felt it taking effect when he unstunned me.

I kissed him. He smirked and kissed me back. I couldn't fight the potion.


I heard her screaming. I ran to the classroom. I couldn't open the door. Her emotions rapidly changed from dread to... Love?

I broke down the door. She was kissing Ronald. Full on snogging. I watched as his disgusting hands slid up her shirt, blisters covering her skin.

Love potion.

I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I drew my wand and stunned the red head. The pain grew more intense. I dropped to my knees.

So this is what heartbreak feels like...

I screamed as the pain became unbearable. Hermione kissed another male. It literally was killing me. I was shocked how quickly the potion wore off.

Black dots appeared in my vision. I desperately tried to keep my eyes open.

"Draco!" Hermione screamed.

I felt her in front of me. I screamed again.

"Heartbreak," I whimpered, "is worse... Than the nightmare."

"Heartbreak?!" Hermione shrieked.

My face was held to something soft and warm: her neck.

"Malfoy, I swear if you don't bloody mark me this instant!" Hermione yelled.

I was hesitant. I was forcing her. I didn't want to.

"Malfoy! Do it now!" She yelled, a sob breaking in. "If you die on me I will never be happy again!"

So, I did it. I bit her neck. She let out a scream of pain and held my arms. The Veela venom slowly going into her veins.

My vision came back and the pain vanished. Hermione slowly passed out. I quickly checked for a pulse. When I got one I relaxed and looked at her.

She was mostly topless so I could bite her neck. I looked at the bite, almost like a vampire's. My fangs were completely gone. Once I was sure my poor mate was alright I turned to the one who nearly killed me and made me mark my mate so early.

I took my Veela form and attacked.


I ran down the corridor. The screams of agony could be heard a mile away. I made it to a broken open door. I rushed in and froze.

A very angry Veela was beating Mr. Weasley, who seemed to be unconscious. One small glance and I saw Ms. Granger, unconscious on the ground, small bite marks on her neck. She'd just been marked.

I quickly stunned Mr. Malfoy who froze in place. I quickly ran to the beaten Weasley. I checked for a pulse.


I quickly sent a patronus to Poppy and tried to help to Weasley. I cast a few spells to try and help him. I checked for a pulse.


He's dead.

Poppy ran into the room and gasped. She rushed by me to help poor Ronald. It was only minutes before she lifted her head.

"In all my years of working at Hogwarts, only one other child died," she muttered. "What happened?"

"I'm not quite sure. Please take these three to the hospital wing. I must inform the Weasley family," I replied, leaving the room with a glum expression.


I was unstunned when we got to the hospital wing. I knew Weasley was already dead so I rushed to Hermione's side. She was still asleep.

The sleep was a normal side effect of the marking, but it didn't keep me from worrying. I crawled in the bed and put my arms around her.

A bunch of Weasleys suddenly ran through the door, Potter in tow. Most of them had tears on their faces. I watched each of them like a hawk.

"What happened to him?!" Harry asked.

"I'm still trying to figure that out, we will know when Ms. Granger wakes up," McGonagall replied.

I got a few glares when I snuggled up to Hermione. She groaned softly in her sleep. Her body had to adjust to the venom. I gently pressed a hand to her forehead. She was a bit warm.

I watched as they took the weasel's body to St Mungos.

"Mr. Malfoy?" Madam Promfey asked. "Could you tell me what happened?"

"He bloody used love potion. He used love potion on her and by the time I got there he was already snogging her senseless. I nearly died before Hermione made me mark her. She made me mark her because the weasel nearly killed me," I told her.

"Alright.... You can take her to your dorm but when Ms. Granger wakes you must alert the headmistress," she told me.

I nodded and gently picked up my beautiful mate. I carried her to our dorm. After I laid her down in our bed. I wrote a letter to my parents, not explaining everything, but telling them I almost died and Hermione is marked.

I then laid next to my love. She didn't move. I sighed and pulled her into my arms, as if to protect her from the world we live in.

I slowly fell asleep.

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