Chapter 2

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Three weeks later...


I slowly opened my eyes. My entire body ached. My mother and father lay asleep on the ground, cuddled up to each other.

I groaned and sat up.

How long was I out?

Both Mother and Father opened their eyes. I jumped seeing Mother's a jet black color. Father ran a hand down her cheek and her eyes went normal.

She looked up at me.

"How are you feeling dear?" She asked.

"Pain," I muttered, rubbing my eyes and running a hand through my hair.

"You look great," she stated, getting up.

They both left without another word, I was confused.

I slowly got out of bed and went towards my full mirror. I was shocked at my appearance. My eyes were a steel grey instead of the bright blue they once were. My hair was no longer blonde, but a more whitish blonde. I was taller by a few inches and I was a lot buffer. I smirked, whoever my mate was would love this.

I gathered some clothes and went to take a shower.


I groaned softly and opened my eyes. I felt extreme pain all over my body. I looked at my sore arms and yelped at the sight of blisters, hand prints and lines.

I glanced around the room and realized I was in mine and Ginny's.

"Ginny!" I croaked.

I heard a bunch of running footsteps head towards the door. I jumped when it slammed open. The entire Weasley clan entered the small room. I slowly sat up.

"Hermione!" Harry rushed, pulling me into a hug.

We both yelped in pain so he jumped back. I watched as a trail of blisters showed where he touched me.

"Wh...what's going on?" I asked the group.

"We were kinda hoping you could answer that," Ron said.

"What happened?!"

"Dear, please don't get to worked up," Molly pleaded. "Three weeks ago, we were eating lunch when you collapsed screaming. We brought a healer here because if anyone touched you, both of us would get blisters. The healer said to hope for the best."

I let it all sink in.

"You look different too!" Ginny stated.

"Huh?" I asked, slowly getting off the bed.

The second I made it to my feet I stumbled and fell. Ron caught me but quickly dropped me, getting covered in blisters.

I just laid on the floor for a moment before sitting up, and drawing my wand. I tried to heal the blisters, only resulting in more.

I groaned in frustration and slowly stood up.

"The healer had no idea what was wrong?" I asked.

"No," they all replied at once.

I sighed and sat back on the bed. Ron shooed everyone out so he could talk to me alone and shut the door. He sat beside me and put a silencing charm on the room.   

"I want to know why," he stated.

"What?" I asked.

"Why were you asleep, screaming for three weeks?"

"I...I'm not sure," I replied.

"Hermione, we both know you know," he stated.

"No. No I don't."

He slapped me and pushed me to the floor.

"Tell me!" He demanded.

I felt blisters in place of where he struck me. Still weak, I slowly made it to my feet.

"You know what Ronald?" I asked. "I'm done with how you treat me. We're over."

Hatred filled his features. He grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me towards him.


After I showered, I sat on the bed and started reading. I skipped the crap about history and went strait to the important stuff.

Veela, at the age of eighteen, go through a change. The Veela's blood matures. The Veela and its mate go through extreme pain before going into a deep sleep. During thus time, the Veela and mate establish a connection, so they can feel each other's pain. This sleep can last from a day to many weeks. Once the Veela and mate wake, the Veela tends to have more energy, while the mate is left weak, sometimes sick.

Just as I finished reading the sentence, a sharp pain hit my cheek. I jumped up on the bed and looked around. Another pain in my stomach. I yelled in pain. A sudden thought came to my mind.

Someone's hurting my mate...

I heard the door open when I took another blow to the cheek. Mother and Father rushed to my side.

"Someone's hurting her," I growled.

"Help her," Mother told me.

Another hit in the gut made my eyes blacken. I bolted.


I couldn't fight Ron, I was too weak. He hit me over and over again. Stupid silencing charm kept me from getting help. So I took it. Every punch, kick, and slap. I didn't give him the satisfaction of yelling, but I couldn't help the couple tears that slipped from my eyes.

I was just about to pass out when the door slammed open.


I went with my instinct and, in full Veela form, flew over London. A wonderful smell hit my nose, it was my mate.

I rushed towards the smell. It was only a few minutes before I was at the Weasel's home. I opened the door without knocking and walked into a full living room. Within seconds, Potter had stood up and pointed his wand at me.

"Where is she?" I growled, startling the family.

"Who are you and why are you in this house?" He asked.

"Show me the girl and I won't murder everyone you love in front of your eyes Potter," I snarled.

He was about to mutter a spell when I snapped his wand. E rest of the family drew their wands. I felt another punch in my stomach, no one punched me.

I quickly stunned every person in the room with a flick of my wand and followed her scent. I ran up the stairs and tried the doorknob.


I kicked the door open.

There she lay, almost unconscious. The Weasel stood above her, staring at me.

Mated to Malfoy UneditedWhere stories live. Discover now