Chapter 3

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I rushed forward and punched the Weasel. I heard a satisfying crack before he fell unconscious. I punched him twice more and kicked him where it hurt most.

I spun around and looked at the girl lying on the floor. One look at her made my heart sink. She had bruises and blisters covering her body. The bruises, I understood, the blisters.... Not so much. She had a few tears on her cheeks... A bit of blood on her lip.

I lifted her up, bridal style, and apparated to the manor.

I carried her through the gates and looked at her face. She wasn't conscious enough to realize what was happening. I watched as she slowly closed her eyes and she fell asleep.

I went into the manor and to my room. Mother and Father were still there. They gasped at the state of my mate. I gently laid her on my bed and summoned some potions.

My parents stepped closer and I allowed them to, until my father touched her hand, burning them both. I let out a loud growl and glared at him.

He stepped back with his hands up in surrender.

"Son, touch her burns," he ordered.

I glared at him one more time before lightly touching her blisters. They all vanished and her skin turned back normal. I felt myself relax at the sight of my healing mate. I started to turn back normal the more I healed her.

I couldn't heal the bruises the way I healed the burns. I gently poured one of the potions in her mouth and watched as the bruises faded. My parents hesitantly sat at the end of the bed. I ignored them and stared at the unconscious girl on my bed.

"Is that the Granger girl?" Mother asked.

"Yes," I whispered, not taking my eyes off her.

They stayed quiet when Hermione shifted a bit. Her eyes fluttered a bit before slowly opening. She stared at me for a moment before shooting up on the bed.

"Malfoy?!" She yelled, glancing from me to my parents.

"We'll leave you two be," Mother said, grabbing Father's hand and walking out the door.

My eyes never left Hermione. She looked terrified.

"Why am I here?!" She asked.

"Hermione," I whispered, coming closer.

She backed away from me until she fell off the bed.

"Malfoy! Why am I here?!" She asked, trying to get up.

"You were hurt by Weasley-"

She stumbled, trying to stand. I was there in a split second to catch her. She pushed out of my arms and fell to the ground.

"Hermione," I muttered, going to pick her up.

She scooted away from me.

"D...don't touch me, just... Just tell my why I'm here," she stuttered.

It hurt me that she was afraid. I sat on the floor in front of her and tried to explain.

"Well I felt your pain so I followed your scent and I found you. You were all bruised and burned so I brought you here," I explained.

I looked at her. She was thinking. I slowly moved towards her and touched her arm. She jumped away. She held out her hand and looked around the room, her eyes landed on the Veela books.

"'re... You're a Veela..." She stuttered. "That's how you-"

"Yes love, that's how I knew he was hurting you," I replied, taking her hand in mine.

"A..and I'm your mate?" She asked in a quiet voice.


She looked even more scared.

"Please don't be afraid," I whispered.

"I'm not I'm just.. Surprised," she replied, getting to her feet.

I stood up.

"You should rest," I stated. "Have you eaten since you woke up?"

"No," she replied, sitting on the bed. "But I'm not hungr-"

She was cut off by her stomach growling. She blushed. I grabbed her hand and led her out of the room. I noticed she stumbled a often, her legs threatened to give out, and I knew she wouldn't let me carry her bridal style so I did what I wanted.

I caught her by surprise and threw her over my shoulder. She squealed and lightly hit my back.

"Malfoy! Put me down!" She yelled.

I smirked and continued to carry her. She whined and complained until we got to the dining room. I set her in a chair and I could feel her glares on my back when I went to get one of the elves to make food.

When I came back, Mother and Father were sitting at the table, Hermione had her head in her arms, asleep. I smiled and sat in the chair next to her.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked, playing with Hermione's hair.

"We were wondering if she knows about the situation," Father replied.

"She's aware of it but I'm not sure how she feels about it," I replied.

"She'll come around.... You've got an entire year to let you mark her," Mother said.

"You forget mother, this is know it all, responsible, goody two shoes, Granger," I stated. "Hated me since first year."

"But you didn't, couldn't have," Father replied. "You would have had to like her for some time for your blood to attach to her."

"I am a bit confused though.... I thought Veela could only have mates that had some kind of Veela blood?" I asked. "She's a muggle born."

"She had Veela ancestors, most muggles have some magic in their blood line, just weren't born magical," Mother explained.

I nodded as a house elf appeared, the table filled with food. I nudged Hermione on an attempt to wake her. She jumped quickly awake and looked around with wide eyes.

Mated to Malfoy UneditedWhere stories live. Discover now