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I typed away on the computer, unbothered by the apparent rambunctious class also sharing the computer lab with me on my free period. Seth was a computer away and didn’t stop looking over to where I sat every few minutes. After a while he rolled his chair closer to mine smiling.


“Uh – Hello” I put my hands on my shaking knee trying to calm it down before it could bump the desk.

“Loud isn’t it?” He asked starching his head.

“I just noticed” I returned dryly.

“We should talk sometime” He pulled at his tee exposing a collarbone.

“We’re talking already, see – you, me and us are talking right now”

He laughed.

“Not what I mean, outside of school?”

“Like what?” I asked taking the hand away from my now steady knee and going back to typing out an assignment. The bright light of the computer screen hurt my eyes; I was never fond of them or teachers who insisted their assignments be typed.


“I don’t have one” It was a lie but he didn’t seem to care.


“I don’t have one of those either” I shrugged sipping at my water before placing the bottle on the desk.

“You will in a second” He turned back to his computer typing hurriedly before stopping and scribbling in his notebook before tearing out the paper and placing it on my keyboard walking out with nothing but a notebook and pen.

It had an email and password, which I found myself laughing at.

email :nowyouhaveanemail@gmail.com

password : emailme

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