I was cut off by a stinging slap on my cheeks. I looked at my mom with a shocked look on my face mirroring hers.

"Oh my god Cass-"

"I think that's enough," Carson piped in as he brought his arms around me to push my figure behind him in a protective way.

"No, it's fine," I whispered only for him to hear as I wipe my tears away.

"Are you sure?" He turned around to face me, he cupped my face in his hands with his thumb brushing my tears.

I nodded and offered him a sad smile, he returned the smile before getting out of my way. Now, I have a perfect view of my mother.

"S-sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I also didn't want to leave you but I have-"

"Why didn't you show up? All this time I was blaming myself for what happened to you, all this time I thought that I deserve to be treated the way my dad is treating me! He's been blaming me that I was the cause of your 'death' and at some point I was convinced that yes, I did this to you. But now that I see you living the life that you wanted with another man? I can't find a place in my heart to forgive you, do you know that I tried to cut myself. I was telling myself that I was the one who was supposed to die. And if it wasn't for Carson, who happens to be my boyfriend who is always there for me, I would've been in a hospital bed right now. I've always looked up on you, you're like-"

"What happened when I wasn't there by your side? What did your dad do? Is he beating you?" She asked me wearing a worried expression.

"Don't act like you care, because if you do you should've saved me from my hell long ago." I snapped at her, not able to control my tongue.

"I told you, I-"

"Stop. I don't want to hear anymore of your lies," I cut her off while wiping my tears furiously.

"Why are you like this Cass? What happened to us?" She sobbed and her cheeks stained with grey tears, I guess it's from the eye liner.

I watched her shed her tears but then I felt myself drowning in guilt again. I tried to hold back my tears but it's too late, before I know it they started falling again. Carson rubbed small circles on my back to comfort me which I'm thankful of.

"Are you seriously asking me those questions? You. Left. Me. I became like this because you left me, you fucking left me and pretended that you're gone. Why mom? I don't know if I should still call you that. Why did you do that? Is it because you despise me? Or is it because you're tired of being my mom?" I shouted not minding the stares that I got from the people around.

"What do you want me to do? Thank you for leaving me? Is that what you want? I have every right to be angry!" I added as I choked out a sob.

"Tell me anything, I mean anything that will make you forgive me, I'll do it." She pleaded with her glossy eyes stared intently into mine.

I squeezed Carson's hand for strenght and comfort, after a few seconds he rubbed my back again, comforting me in anyway he could.

"Mrs. Taylor not to be rude, but I think we should give her some space to think. I know I don't have any right to interfere with your life but I think Cass has been through a lot these past few years, she's been hurt and been through hell and back." Carson mused behind me.

He stood up for me like nobody did, and it only made me cry harder, my love for him became stronger. And as for my mom she offered me a sad smile.

"Okay, if that's what you want. I'm glad that I know I can trust someone who can take care of my daughter, someone she can lean on. Take care of her young man, take care of her for me." She smiled at Carson and gave me a last glance before turning her direction to the parking lot.

I watched her walk away again, I watched her leave me again, but I think she walked away from my life for good.

Once I heard the zooming of the car I broke down crying, I fell on the ground with Carson crouching beside me, holding me close to him.

"Shh.. I know it hurts Cass, it's hard to accept that someone you loved left you but you have to know that I won't leave you, no matter what happens." He cooed in my ears with his hands working on my back.

That statement only made me cry harder, because I know that someday he will also leave me like everybody else did.

He spent most of the time whispering sweet nothings to me to calm me down and I came to a point where I decided to stop.

Maybe she's not worth my tears..

"Are you okay now?" He run his fingers through my hair.

"Yes," my voice hoarse from crying.

"Are you sure? Because if you're not we can go ho-"

"I'm okay, really." I reassured him, I looked up at him and found a frowning Carson.

"See?" I beamed and flashed him a wide smile which caused his frown to falter.

"Alright, are you still up for an ice cream?" He ruffled my hair.

"Yes!" I jumped out of his reach and ran towards the ice cream store at my own risk.

The first thing that filled my nose was the smell of chocolate and mocha.

"Welcome to Ben & Jerry's!" A deep voice greeted me.

That voice's familiar..

I smiled at him but I can't really take a good look of his face because of the hat that he's wearing, so I decided to wait for Carson and when he entered the store he had a pout etched on his face.

"You ditched me again," he whined the moment he made his was towards me.

I stuck my tongue at him and dragged him at the counter.

"2 scoops of choco chip and wait Carson what do you like?" I asked him.

He looked at the flavors like he's taking it in and thought for awhile before answering.

"I'd like a scoop of vanilla," he told the guy with the name 'Adam' written on his tag.

Oddly familiar..

"Coming right up, that'd be $10.90." He finally looked up.

The guy, the guy from the bus, the guy that's creeping me out is the person in front of me.


"Adam?" We both said simultaneously.

"You know him?" Carson snapped with his fist clenched like he's ready to beat the shit out of him.

"Ahh, Carson Matthews, the guy who killed his brother," Adam smiled mischievously.


Hey guuuys!!

Updated early because I'm motivated by your comments, seriously all of your comments made my day, and I love you for that!

Anyways, thank youu so much for 60k reads you don't know how much this means to me. I admit I really cried when I wrote this chapter because I felt like I'm attached to the characters and whatsoever.

I looove youuu! Continue to Vote, Comment and Fan!

Keep on commenting so that I can write faster:)

If you have any suggestions, questions and opinions don't be shy to PM me, or if you want to talk, feel free to message me.:)

-ohhlala_77 xxxxxx mwaaah

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